6 December 2019

Trump Impeachment Documents

This Page Contains Materials Related To Inquiry and Hearings In The Impeachment Of Donald Trump.

Updated as materials become available.

Direct Links to Pertinent Congressional Pages:

UPDATE 12/5/2019 Recently released Inquiry transcripts here, the Intelligence Committee report here, and the Republican “prebuttal” (released prior to the report) here

UPDATE 11/20/2019 Video of the testimony of Ambassador Gordon Sondland. Jump to video

UPDATE 11/19/2019 Video of Vindman and Williams testimony in the morning and Volker and Morrison in the afternoon. Jump to videos of testimony.

UPDATE 11/15/2019: Added video of Ambassador Yovanovitch’s testimony Jump to testimony. Jump to testimony

UPDATE 11/14/2019 : Added material from the first day of public testimony – George Kent and William Taylor, Jr. Jump to testimony

I am providing an alternate site for the Trump Impeachment Inquiry materials. I hope that all citizens will at least read through the excerpts that have been provided. From what I can tell, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has done an honest job with the excerpts.

Please share with others, and please contact me if you think there is something I can do to make this more digestible. I have considered adding an audio reading of the excerpts. If that would be useful, please let me know.

U.S. Constitution, Article 2 Section 4

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

You can follow announcements from the House Intelligence Committee at the committee site.

Deposition Transcripts and Excerpts

Fiona Hill
Fiona Hill.
Trump administration advisor on Russia and European Affairs on the National Security Council.

Fiona Hill Deposition (House version)

Fiona Hill Excerpts (House version)

George Kent
George Kent,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs. (George C. Marshall Foundation)

George Kent Deposition (House version)

George Kent Deposition Excerpts (house version)

P. Michael McKinley
P. Michael McKinley
Senior Advisor to Sec. of State and former Ambassador to Brazil and Afghanistan

Ambassador Michael McKinley Deposition (House version)

Ambassador Michael McKinley Deposition Excerpts (House version)

Gordon Sondland
Gordon Sondland,
Ambassador to the European Union


Gordon Sondland Deposition

Gordon Sondland Deposition Excerpts

William B. Taylor, Jr.
William B. Taylor, Jr.,
Chargé d’affaires ad interim Ukraine

Ambassador Bill Taylor Deposition (aHouse version)

Ambassador Bill Taylor Deposition Excerpts (House version)

Alexander Vindman
Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman,
Director for European Affairs for the United States National Security Council.

Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman Deposition (House version)

Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman Deposition Excerpts (House version)

Kurt Volker
Kurt Volker
Special Representative for Ukraine. (US Embassy, Kyiv, Ukraine

Kurt Volker Deposition

Kurt Volker Deposition Excerpts

Volker text messages part 1 (House version)

Volker text messages part 2 (House version)

Marie Yovanovitch
Marie Yovanovitch,
Previous Ambassador to Ukraine.

Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch Deposition

Marie Yovanovitch Deposition Excerpts

White House compilation of the July 25, 2019 call between Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky (White House version)

11/13/2019 First Day of Public Testimony

The first day of testimony was from George Kent, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, and William Taylor, Jr., Interim Ambassador to Ukraine. The video below is from CSPAN and is the full session. It is also available at CSPAN – Impeachment Hearing With William Taylor and George Kent. Along with making the video publicly accessible, they also set bookmarks for what they judged as key points in the hearing.

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11/15/2019 Day two testimony of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch

Ambassador Yovanovitch was first smeared and then yanked out of Ukraine by Trump. Her temporary replacement, William Taylor, did not arrive in Ukraine for a month after Yovanovitch was called back to Washington. This left an entire month for Giuliani and the “3 amigos” free rein to put Trump’s plan into place.

The testimony of Alexander Vindman (NSC) and Jennifer Williams, aide to VP Pence

Testimony of Ambassador Kurt Volker and National Security Aid Tim Morrison

Testimony on November 20, 2019 of Gordon Sondland.

Transcripts from closed-door depositions of those who were not included in the public testimony

Quoted from Committee materials:

“The testimonies from Ambassador Reeker and Mr. Sandy continue to paint a portrait of hand-picked political appointees corrupting the official levers of U.S. government power, including by withholding taxpayer funded military assistance to Ukraine, to further the President’s own personal political agenda.

“Mr. Sandy confirmed that he was told by the office of Mick Mulvaney, the Acting White House Chief of Staff, that the President himself had directed the hold on security assistance to Ukraine.  However, he was provided no other reason or justification for the hold when he was directed to implement it.  And in fact, after he raised concerns with OMB leadership and lawyers that the withholding of funding for Ukraine may violate the law, his authority for approving security assistance funding was revoked and given instead to a hand-picked Trump OMB political appointee.

“Finally, we learned from Mr. Sandy that he was first informed in early September—approximately two months after the hold was implemented—that the reason for the hold was due to concerns regarding European countries not paying their fair share of foreign assistance.  Given other testimony and the public admission by Mr. Mulvaney that the aid was held to pressure Ukraine to conduct the investigations desired by the President, this constitutes powerful evidence that this justification was concocted as an after-the-fact rationalization to justify the hold.”

The testimony of Mr. Sandy can be found here. Key excerpts of Mr. Sandy’s testimony can be found here.

The testimony of Mr. Reeker can be found here. Key excerpts of Mr. Reeker’s testimony can be found here.

The transcript of the deposition of Dr. Charles Kupperman on October 28, 2019, who failed to comply with the subpoena, can be found here.

The transcript of the deposition of Mr. Brian McCormack on November 4, 2019, who failed to comply with the subpoena, can be found here.

The transcript of the deposition of Mr. Robert Blair on November 4, 2019, who failed to comply with the subpoena, can be found here.

The transcript of the deposition of Mr. John Eisenberg on November 4, 2019, who failed to comply with the subpoena, can be found here.

The transcript of the deposition of Mr. Michael Ellis on November 4, 2019, who failed to comply with the subpoena, can be found here.

The transcript of the deposition of Mr. Michael Duffey on November 5, 2019, who failed to comply with the subpoena, can be found here.

The transcript of the deposition of Mr. Preston Wells Griffith on November 5, 2019, who failed to comply with the subpoena, can be found here.

The transcript of the deposition of Mr. T. Ulrich Brechbuhl and Mr. Russell Vought on November 6, 2019, who failed to comply with the subpoena, can be found here.

The transcript of the deposition of Mr. John Michael “Mick” Mulvaney on November 8, 2019, who failed to comply with the subpoena, can be found here.

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There is an excellent executive summary at the Committee site. I have also cinverted the pdf into Kindle and generic ePub formats for electronic readers and apps.

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Inquiry Report: The Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report

Report in pdf format

Download ONLY: Report in Kindle format or ePub format


GOP Prebuttal of Committee Report.

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