
Links to articles on Haiti and on Aristide
Articles from Uncommon Thought Journal
3/01/04 Aristide kidnapped
2/29/04 Aristide has left Haiti
3/02/04 Back to Haiti
Reuters (3/02/04) France is ‘Protecting’ Aristide in C. African Republic
US Training of Haitian Rebels and Related
3/29/04 China View, US accused of training Haitian rebels in Dominican Republic
3/30/04 IA Center U.S. Accused of Training Haitian Rebels in Dominican Republic
2/28/04 Jones, WSWS, US and France target Haiti’s elected president for removal
Citizens for Responsible Government, Witnesses: U.S. Special Forces Trained and Armed Haitian Anti-Aristide Paramilitaries in the Dominican Republic
School of the Americas Watch Background Information on Haiti
Article Links
2/28/04 U.S. must let real democracy govern Haiti
1994 Haiti’s Nightmare: The Cocaine Coup & The CIA Connection
Duvalier Wants to Return to Haiti Soon, Reuters, 3/02/04
Rumsfeld says 1,500-2,000 US troops to go to Haiti
2/25/04 More of the Same for Haiti
2/03/04 CSM, New Haitian exodus? Same old US treatment of refugees
2/19/04 Lobe, OneWorldNet, Rising Stakes In Haiti as Ex-Duvalier Thugs Take Over Opposition
2/16/04 Reeves, ZNet, US Double Game in Haiti
2/23/04 Younge, Independent/UK, Throttled by history
2/29/04 Loney & Scrutton, Reuters, Aristide leaves violence-torn Haiti
2/29/04, Reuters, Quick guide to Haiti
2/29/04, Reuters, CHRONOLOGY-Haiti’s turbulent times
US Involvement in Coup?
US and France target Haiti’s elected president for removal, Jones, WSWS, 2/28/04
Bush accused of supporting Haitian rebels, Lindenmayer, UPI, 2/27/04
Haiti’s Lawyer: U.S. Is Arming Anti-Aristide Paramilitaries, Goodman & Scahill, DemocracyNow!, 2/25/04
Rising Stakes In Haiti as Ex-Duvalier Thugs Take Over Opposition, Lobe, OneWorld.net, 2/19/04
Five Questions About Haiti and the Coup Attempt, Giodarna, Narco News, 2/19/04
1/97 Barry & Honey, FPIF, U.S. Policy in Haiti
2/29/04 Loney & Scrutton, Reuters, Aristide leaves violence-torn Haiti
President Aristide Says ‘I was kidnapped – tell the world it is a coup’ (3/01/04).
3/01/04 14:24PST There is a very nice analysis (More on Haiti at Body and Soul. Thanks to Emily for the lead.
Here is the link to Statement by the Press Secretaryon Haiti 2/28/04
3/01/04 Elsner, Reuters, U.S. Top Aim in Haiti Seen as Halting Refugees
03/02/04 The Advertiser/AU, US denies Aristide kidnap claims
3/01/04 Ben-Ari & Weinberg, AlterNet, U.S.-Sponsored Regime Change in Haiti
3/02/04 LaFranchi, CSM, Round 2 for US nation-building in Haiti
3/02/04 LaFranchi, CSM, Round 2 for US nation-building in Haiti
3/01/04 Elliott, PrisonPlanet, USAID, the CIA, and the Coup in Haiti
3/01/04 Rense.com, Oppose Bush’s Coup In Haiti
3/01/04 News/AU, US troops ‘made Aristide leave’
3/01/04 Reuters, Reuters World News Highlights 1900 GMT March 1 – Haiti
WASHINGTON – Jean-Bertrand Aristide, ousted as Haitian president on Sunday, told U.S. lawmakers and other contacts by telephone that he was abducted by U.S. soldiers and left his homeland against his will.
Washington immediately denied this, saying Aristide had agreed to step down and leave his country. “It’s complete nonsense,” White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters.
3/01/04 Reuters, Rumsfeld says 1,500-2,000 US troops to go to Haiti
3/17/04 BBC, Regional rift deepens over Haiti
3/17/04 Chomsky, DemocracyNow, Haiti’s History: Noam Chomsky Traces Underpinnings Of Aristide’s Ouster Back To 1991-1994 Coup
3/17/04 DemocracyNow, Jamaica, Venezuela Refuse to Recognize U.S.-Backed Haitian Government
3/17/04 DemocracyNow, Aristide Talks With Democracy Now! About the Leaders of the Coup and U.S. Funding of the Opposition in Haiti
5/05/04 Polgreen, NYT, Deepening Poverty Breeds Desperation in Haiti