26 July
Gaither Stewart – Words Unspoken

Welcome to the distribution page for Gaither Stewart’s novella “Words Unspoken”.
Mr. Stewart wants to offer this work to you free of charge. It is available in various formats below for whatever device or application you wish to use.
Words Unspoken is a historical novella set in the post World War II era. Through the various characters, we gain perspective on both the war and how ordinary people attempted to find new footing the aftermath of chaos that transformed the global social order.
Download Options
PDF version (for reading or printing)
Kindle version (for Amazon’s Kindle reader or kindle application on other devices)
ePub version (for iPad, Nook, Kobo, and Adobe Digital Editions)
Please feel free to send your feedback to Mr. Stewart at [email protected]
For your convenience, the pdf version is readable below.
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