BSE Resources

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BSE ResourcACes
Mad Cow USA: Could the Nightmare Happen Here?
Microbial Migrations, French & Halweil, Orion,
EU SSC Final Opinion on Disposal of TSE/BSE tissues
Guardian/UK archive of BSE articles and resports
BSE risk in bones and blood used in meats ,
Lawrence, Guardian/UK, 5/22/03)
Re: Prions not destroyed by incineration?
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) APHIS USDA
Consumer Questions and Answers About BSE US HSHS, US FDA, Center for Food Safety
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) FDA information page
BSE – Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy “Mad Cow Disease” University of Illinois information center
Organic Consumers Association – Mad cow page
How Mad Cow Disease Works How Stuff Works
The spread of mad cow disease, CNN.Intl – Asia.
Mad Cow Disease: The Rampage of an Illness, Purdue University.
Iowa lab tests for BSE Condon, AP, 1/03/04
Times Beach, Missouri
Dioxin Poisoning Caused by Improper Waste Disposal in Missouri
Clean Up of Missouri Toxic Waste Site Complete. Times Beach Superfund Site last of three toxic waste sites to be cleaned up, US DOJ 7/3/1997
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