10 July 2021

American-Led NATO Forces in Afghanistan: Crimes against Humanity Call for Accountability

Daisy cutter explosion

[Photo: Mother Of All Bombs (Wikipedia)]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Editor's Note
The U.S. can repeatedly claim that we are not “nation builders” but it does not distract from the fact that we are damn good “nation destroyers.” The U.S. does not militarily enter nations for the good of those nations, but to advance the interests of the United States. Regardless of party, the official bottom line for all international engagements is to advance or protect the interests of the United States. This is true whether passed off as altruism or revenge, business or resources, or the vague umbrella of “national defense. The same is true of most other nations (including Russia and China), and certainly of those allied with the U.S. I believe if people thought about this rubric of national interest there would be far fewer wars. However, the selling of “intervention” and outright war to the people generally includes making that rationale palatable to the public.

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11 April 2019

War Crimes and National Security

CIA black site - Afghanistan

[Photo: CIA black site – Afghanistan]

By Robert C. Koehler
Source:  CommonWonders

Editor's Note
There is good reason for the United States to try to immunize itself from the International Criminal Court. Repeatedly, formally and informally, covertly and overtly, the United States has engaged in military and intervention activities which are well beyond the grey zone of international law. We are led to believe that this is all part of American “exceptionalism”, but the reality is that it is frequently a massaging of reality when U.S. actions are either normalized or explained away for the American public. One excellent example of this is the use of tear gas by the United States. It has been used regularly in the urban warfare of Iraq and Afghanistan. It is also regularly used for “crowd control” in the United States. However, tear gas is considered a chemical weapon under international law, and it is illegal to deploy it against civilians.

True atrocities are frequently lauded as technological advances, or as necessary to minimize loss of life. President Trump authorized the dropping the GBU-43/B, also known as the Mother of All Bombs (MOAB).

It is a 22,000 pound bomb that explodes before hitting the ground. It is basically a larger version of the BLU-82 (“Daisy Cutter”) bomb that had previously been dropped in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The Daisy Cutter is a 15,000 pound bomb described thusly:

“The bomb detonates three feet above the ground, spraying tiny droplets of fuel-based explosive into the air where they create a massive ‘air burst’, a huge explosion, marked by a mushroom cloud.

The blast is so powerful that it kills everything within a 600-metre radius. Anything close to the blast is incinerated, while people farther away die when the air is sucked from their lungs.”

These are not precision weapons by any stretch, but they fit well with what has become US military (and political) parlance as “shock and awe.”  These two ordinances are the largest non-nuclear munitions in the U.S. arsenal.

War crimes go far beyond these dramatic weapons, [including cluster bombs (which stupidly are the same color as the MREs supposedly dropped for the civilian population), “depleted” uranium munitions, and the illegal use of white phosphorus equipped – fragments of which burn not only through vehicles, but the human bodies they land on] to immunizing military personnel and contractors from prosecution in zones, and expropriation of resources and wealth. To get an idea of how convoluted and complex the various “agreements” of war, operational guidelines, and restructuring of national law, ownership, and resources can be, I encourage a quick read of The Iraq Agreement: the Devil is in the details.

Robert Koehler has good grounds to question our definition of “national security” and what we will allow to ensure it. The very concept has become so broad that it can cover any eventuality foreign or domestic. Of perhaps even greater concern is the evolution of “freedom”, which is accepted as as synonym for “democracy”  but frighteningly is equated with free market capitalism. For example, when George W. Bush claimed that we were “freeing” the Iraqi people, he was explicitly referring to privatizing their oil reserves. Any political concept as broad as these has little to do with either security or freedom, but is central to the evisceration of all the things we think we are and stand for.

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25 October 2018

‘A Cruel Choice’: Why Israel Targets Palestinian Schools

Palestinian children in bomb damaged school in Gaza

[Photo: Palestinian children in bomb damaged school in Gaza. (OXFAM, 2014)]

Ramzy Baroud, PhD

Editor's Note
Targeting schools and children is done for multiple reasons; all of them odious and a complete violation of international law. It speaks volumes about the morality of decision makers when they choose to target children. This is true of those making these decisions in Israel, and it is true of those in the United States who protect Israel from sanctions and support a regime that takes such actions. There is now a regime in power in the United States which is taking direct aim at children as well. Perhaps decades of turning a blind eye to the actions of Israel has erased the boundaries that should protect children from assault and being used as pawns (or hostages). It would do us all well to seriously examine the erosion of the bounds of humanity that are happening across the planet by governments (i.e. China’s construction of massive “re-education” camps for Muslims, and the U.S. imprisoning of migrant children) and not terrorists and reactionary extremist groups. If governments and organizations such as the UN cannot stand against such atrocities, then the people must. For if we allow the continued breach of common humanity, we will all be swallowed by oppressive systems with no checks on their cruelty or corruption.

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5 May 2018

Gazan Gandhis: Gaza Bleeds Alone as ‘Liberals’ and ‘Progressives’ Go Mute

Palestinian Great March

[Photo: Palestinians take part in the Great March of Return in the Gaza Strip. (Photo: Abdallah Aljamal, the Palestine Chronicle)]

Ramzy Baroud, PhD

Editor's Note
Is the media silent about the Israeli attacks on peaceful Palestinian demonstrators because they can’t make it fit the narrative of Israel’s “right to protect itself”? Despite the snipers shooting at unarmed demonstrators, the Great March continues – overwhelmingly peacefully from the Palestinian side. The invisibility is criminal as there is a clear and concerted effort that the atrocity of armed soldiers firing into the mass of demonstrators speaks volumes about Israel’s ability to orchestrate said “story”. If they were shooting virtually any other living thing that was before them without threat or weapon (say dogs, or seals, or even crocs) there would be a global outrage that even Israel could not silence. But the bodies of Palestinians stopping the bullets of snipers? Not worthy of even a passing mention. Is it that they are Palestinians that generates this media blackout, or is it the issue of the right of return which must not be raised? Are the snipers shooting the people or the message?

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Category: Israel, Mechanisms of Contrrol, Media, Palestine, Ramzy Baroud, Silencing & Repression | Comments Off on Gazan Gandhis: Gaza Bleeds Alone as ‘Liberals’ and ‘Progressives’ Go Mute
21 March 2018

Arab Exodus Again and the Global Wickedness

[Photo: Syrians flee]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD.

Editor's Note
Where do you run when the major pot stirrers in the world have decided that your home is theirs to war on? To make matters worse, those same pot stirrers won’t let you run to their shores for safety? We have children growing up knowing nothing but war, and for the pot stirrer’s children? The wars in your home is barely a blip on the radar. Reports come out of Yemen about the horrors, devastation, and childhoods lost. The stories come out of Syria where more than half the population has fled and those left huddle and pray, where even rats have met their extinction in the dinner pot. Iraq? Afghanistan? And onwards. Mahboob Khawaja raises the question of where is the global community while such horrors continue. He does well to ask as the voice of conscience seems missing almost entirely.

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