7 April 2021

We, the People: Humanity and Our Entangled Future through the Global COVID-19 Pandemic

Pandemic: The World is Closed

[Photo: Covid-19: The World is Closed. Thessaloniki, Edwin Hooper.]
By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Editor's Note
As I have opined before, I keep hoping that a global challenge, such as this pandemic. Thus far, many nations have not even accomplished national unity, much less regional or global. There are of course reasons for this, the primary being the repeated disinformation on one hand and the distrust of government on the other. This distrust may have been earned and reasonable, or it may have been overblown for political reasons. In the United States, there has been a long-range plan to “dumb down” the citizenry and to encourage distrust of science, expertise, and even reason. Long before the pandemic, it was common to hear “everything is a matter of opinion.”  In other words, there is no shared verifiable reality and my opinion is better (not “as good”) than any expert. In fact, anyone who disagrees with “me” is wrong. So it is not just that everyone’s opinion has equal value, but that in the absence of an agreed-upon, verifiable reality, personal belief rules. This latter shift is critical because it not only reflects the nurtured destruction of science and reason but a broad normalization of individual primacy that is central to a narcissistic world orientation. This may point to the attraction of many to Donald Trump.

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Category: Futurescape, Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D., Militarism, Peace, Policy, Pull Right - Fascism, War and Conflict | Comments Off on We, the People: Humanity and Our Entangled Future through the Global COVID-19 Pandemic
28 February 2020

Syrian Humanitarian Crisis

Syrian refugee camp outside Idlib, Syria

[Photo: Syrian refugee camp near Idlib, Syria. Clipped from TRT report 2/28/2020.]

By Rowan Wolf

Political decisions have consequences and Trump’s decisions are devastating. He is consistently making decisions that lessen people’s lives, even resulting in many deaths. His travel bans aimed at “Muslims” and his ethnic cleansing policies aimed at Latin X immigrants (both legally in the United States and undocumented) as well as other brown and black migrants hoping that they will “self deport” of there is enough pressure. There is a rapidly growing death toll directly the responsibility of Donald Trump (and those he has selected to promote and carry out his white nationalist agenda).

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22 December 2018

In One Wretched Day, All You Need to Know About Donald J. Trump

nuclear explosion

By Michael Winship
Source:  CommonDreams

Editor's Note
I share Winship’s article with you because it captured the head spinning events that happened in one day. However, Friday Trump caved to the power voices of right wingnutry and does a 180 on keeping the government open. How that is going to play out is anyone’s guess at this point. With years of pushing for the “Great Wall” of America as the “solution” to immigration from the south, the Trump/GOP base thinks a 40/60/400 foot high 20 foot wide concrete wall is going to save us from supposed “invasion” of wild-eyed criminals.

The Truth is that I doubt that Trump gives a damn about out domestic or international policies, but how these things serve his interests. At this point, those interests are multi-polar: saving his own skin (and presidency), and fiduciary advancement (his famous “You can’t be too greedy” as a case in point). Trump has lived by the rule of his self-made chaos for much of his life. What that strategy is doing to the country and the world is a whole different issue. For now, it seems that Trump is “going nuclear”

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17 October 2018

The Syrian Chess Board

Yarmouk refugees

[Photo: Syrian and Palestinian refugees now pack Yarmouk as this picture of people queuing up for food distribution shows. (EPA/UN)]

By Conn Hallinan
Source:  Dispatches from the Edge

Editor's Note
The United States has made a bloody career of “stirring the pot” in the Middle East and South Asia (as well as hundreds of other regions). European imperialism, and US economic promotion was (and likely continues to be) advanced through covert actions, now increasingly pushed as official policy. The long term relationships in the region has mixed with and created hostilities and boundaries were redrawn, puppet governments installed, and those with and without power settled through external forces. As formal imperial powers “withdrew”, and supposedly “freed” their colonies, the economic imperialism replaced the old political bounds. Resources and geography set up the chessboard for superpowers to maneuver and variously influence national and regional government and business. After 2001, the United States made an open policy of something that had once only been done covertly – regime change. This hardly means that covert actions are out the window. In fact, in too many cases we can find the U.S. military and the various groups being backed and supported actually fighting with each other. This can happen when you back multiple forces within a given conflict. The U.S. policy of regime change has wreaked deadly havoc across the entire region and there is no end in sight. To say that these are complex issues would be a radical understatement, but Conn Hallinan does an excellent job of sorting through the various threads in the web of the Syrian. While horrendous, and criminally undercovered by the media, it is only one of many places where the U.S. has a direct hand in destroying lives and national and regional stability.

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7 May 2018

The Hours at Saint Rasputin Syrian Orthodox Church

Syrian Orthodox Church.

[Photo: Dioceses of the Syrian Orthodox Church.]

By Chuck Orloski

Editor's Note
Much like the convoluted lies of what the real state of affairs is in Syria [or for that matter who the players are in the bloodied nation know as Syria] is a revision of history to paint Rasputin a victim of a Jewish conspiracy. There is insanity in the air, and people seeking power drumming up hate wherever they can. The only way to address such strategies is to challenge them with reality – no matter how ugly and frightening that reality may be.

Hemophiliac Damascus,

Rasputin's eyes
those eyes, those eyes, Rasputin’s eyes,
like Russian S-300’s activated at abyss.
Seducer, Gregory can’t get close
to Czar Putin’s Alexandra,
she doesn’t like beards & hooligans.
Those eyes, Rasputin’s scary eyes!
What the hell is he looking at?
An Israeli jet fighter scared rebels,
and the USS Liberty ghost on lookout
in the Med.
Frustrated, Czar Putin found no chlorine on Rasputin’s prayers; slight evidence of Stoly vodka on Basher Assad’s breath.
Saint Rasputin persists to deny a connection to keeping Romanov-Russia in WW I.
And if only Franz Ferdinand on-parade had ducked?
Yes, yes, Stormy Georgia Oblate,
Gregory heard all the rumors circulating
about “Russiagate” and he understands how Mueller yearns to book mad monks.
The Fire & Fury Sermon, Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, May 29, 2018:
While vacationing at Jacob’s Well, in spa-town called Sichar,
many a time did Nicholas II thirst
to ‘bring home troops” & Make Russia Great Again,
but Saint Rasputin could not cure the Tsarevich’s hemophilia ’til Ekaterinburg kingdom come.
Those eyes, those chemical eyes…,
Gregory’s in Neva, shot down by Tomahawks!
He only wanted to see an Israel Spring.


Chuck OrloskiCharles “Chuck” Orloski lives in Taylor, Pennsylvania and is married to Carol Jean and has two sons, Dan and Joe.  He worked as an Environmental Health & Safety and Project/Emergency Response Coordinator for 22 years until March 2014 retirement, at age 62.  Presently a part-time bus driver for Scranton School District, Chuck has published both articles and poetry at The Greanville Post, Uncommon Thought Journal, Counterpunch, Hollywood Progressive, Linh Dinh State of the Union (Blog), Literary Yard, and Dissident Voice.  He likes to ice skate but dislikes the Northeast Pennsylvania Winters.

Category: Chuck Orloski, Lies Damn Lies - Propaganda, Mechanisms of Contrrol, State Repression, War and Conflict | Comments Off on The Hours at Saint Rasputin Syrian Orthodox Church