30 March 2022

The Five Plagues Testing Humanity

Extirpation of the Plaques, painting

[Photo: “Extirpation of the Plagues of Egypt Destruction of Revolutionary Crocodiles” oil on Canvas, by James Gillray, 1798]

By John Feffer
Source:  CommonDreams

Editor's Note
A fable to highlight the forces we face. The people want peace (on the whole), but peace is not profitable. The people want the Earth to continue to support us, but the powerful promote massive consumption as the path to both comfort and happiness. Feffer frames this as nationalism vs internationalism (to be distinguished from globalization). However, the wealthiest are multi-national and controlling interests across the planet. They pushed globalization until people across the world were able to communicate with each other, and then promoted nationalism to lock populations (aka workforces) into place while allowing goods, services, and finances the operate in a largely borderless environment.  

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26 May 2019

The Terrifying Implications of India’s Elections

Modi and USA

[Graphic: Narendra Modi in USA (Paresh nath, U.T. Independent, India, 2014).]

By Basav Sen
Source:  Foreign Policy in Focus

Editor's Note
I have written numerous times about the wave of fascism and nationalism that seems to be sweeping the planet. It has washed over the United States in a huge wave with the election of Donald Trump, and the active acquiescence of the GOP, to the political monstrosity they have created. However, this is a global issue, and I am positive that there are threads that we could weave together tho tell the story of how this has happened, but I want to throw out one story which is perhaps a high overflight of what we are experiencing. Certainly there are certainly multiple nations that are involved, much of this fascism sits fully on the door step of the united States.

While promoting itself as the defender of freedom and democracy across the planet, that is hardly the course that has been taken, nor the key point for decision-making. For over a century, the interests foreign and domestic, but most particularly foreign, have been based upon “what is in the best interests of the United States”, or “protecting the interests of the United States.” Even a first grader, or most particularly a first grader, would ask “What are the interests?” Yet that question is rarely if ever asked. Its a fill in the blank type of concept where the assumption is we all somehow “know” what is meant. It usually devolves down to “our way of life”, another little ditty that is rarely explained. The “interests” are two-fold, resources and corporate interests. In other words, the United States has strong national interests in access and control of the natural resources of the planet, and in protecting the interests and growth of corporations and their holdings and operations across the globe. Of course, it is more complex and involves the creation of multiple organizations to facilitate in the control and enforcement – like the IMF and World Bank – and maintaining the US dollar as the universal currency of trade – particularly oil trade.

In this march of “interest” advancement and protection, carried out by both Democrats and Republicans, the United States has done little to nothing to protect or advance human rights, liberty, and democracy. Rather, despots and dictators are the frequent recipients of US aid and support; US resistant leaders have been conveniently overthrown, discredited, or assassinated. For the truth is that it is much easier to control leaders who are focused on their own self-interest and gathering power (and wealth) to themselves ruling over populations who are easily controlled – and free people are not easily controlled.

So it was no real surprise when Obama (the supposed poster child of progressive democracy) embraced Narendra Modi (who at least tacitly supported the brutal crackdown on the “Gujarat Riots“:

According to official figures, the riots ended with 1,044 dead, 223 missing, and 2,500 injured. Of the dead, 790 were Muslim and 254 Hindu.[13] The Concerned Citizens Tribunal Report,[14] estimated that as many as 1,926 may have been killed.[1] Other sources estimated death tolls in excess of 2,000.[15] Many brutal killings and rapes were reported on as well as widespread looting and destruction of property. The Chief Minister of Gujarat at that time, Narendra Modi, was accused of initiating and condoning the violence, as were police and government officials who allegedly directed the rioters and gave lists of Muslim-owned properties to them.[16]

In what should be a warning for those thinking that the people of the United States will perform their own impeachment by not voting Donald Trump into a second term, we should look to India where Modi and his far right BJP party have been voted in again. Hate violence and purges are up as minorities have been painted as the scapegoats of the nation’s problems, and impediments to corporate operations (like environmental regulations) have been removed or ignored. If this sounds familiar, it is because it is currently happening in the US and is daily in the news – for those who still watch the news.

While the United States consistently self-aggrandizes over our wonderful (and disappearing) democracy, it is India that is the largest democracy on the planet. What is very clear is that the people can make choices that are not only counter to their self-interest, but counter to the democratic power that spills like sand through their hands.

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10 April 2019

Trump Found His Cohn, and Now Searches for His Dirlewanger

Amber alert immigration children

[Photo: “Amber Alert”, Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star-Tribune.]

By Rowan Wolf

If there are any doubts in anyone’s mind about whether or not we are in a dire situation, quit doubting. Trump has reshaped the Justice Department, and after endlessly harassing Jeff Sessions and then firing him, he has found his Roy Cohn in Bill Barr. He has the Congressional Republicons in his pocket to both run interference – and block anything coming through the Senate – and perpetuate/amplify whatever lie he is spinning at the moment. He has a conservative majority on the Supreme Court with two Justices who may have sworn fealty to him. Now he is purging the Department of Homeland Security which may be the most sweeping bureaucracy in the US government because they weren’t tough enough, or willing to break the law for him, and there lies the most worrisome thing of all – Trump’s active disregard for the law and his desire that his will IS law.

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22 March 2019

Retiring the Statue of Liberty: Citizenship in the Age of Trump

Statur of Liberty

[Photo: The Light is Off. Petar Pismestrovic, Klein Zeitung, Austria.]

By Karen Greenberg
Source:  CommonDreams and TomDispatch

Editor's Note
This article by Karen Greenberg calls our attention to many critical attacks on citizenship by the Trump administration. She points to the blatant xenophobia that has regularly expressed since infamously announcing his candidacy by launching a dehumanizing attack on immigrants and refugees at the US-Mexico border. However, Trump’s xenophobia is very focused on race of “foreigners”. He seems to have no problem with immigrants from “desirable” mostly white nations, but continuous issues with others be they brown people from Central and South America, those from the Middle East and Southern Asia, or from Africa. Ironically, by law Semitic groups (including those from the Middle East) are “white” and Hispanic’s may be of any racial group. This does not mean that under the U.S. construction of race that ethnic groups are not racialized in the common perception. Religion, in this case considered entwined with culture, is racialized as well. Therefore, both Jews and Arabs (all of whom are assumed to be Muslin), are commonly assumed to be non-white while legally many are white. This racial designation has held since at least the early 1900s, and largely revolved around Christianity. Namely, that if the people of the Middle East were determined to not be white, then Jesus Christ would also not be white. Oh what a conundrum race can be.

Legal racial designation is not on the table with anti-Muslim or even anti-Jewish sentiments among those who hold them. Not does most people’s xenophobia come into play with other “white” nations. By and large, most so-called xenophobes do not have problems with British, French, German, Scandinavian, Russian, Australian, etc. There were issues during certain periods of US history where this was not the case, but contemporary reality is that if an immigrant can blend into the current “white” population they are effectively invisible and are granted the privileges of whiteness. Certainly not all white groups are considered equal. There are gradations of whiteness, which only makes sense in a system that values it so highly.

It has been clear that Trump’s mantra of MAGA (Make America Great Again) is truly aimed at “whitening” America. The use of ICE and cooperating local police departments is being used to terrorize immigrant (including naturalized citizens) to the point that they will “self-deport”. In fact, there are an increasing number of cases where native born US citizens are having to fight deportation. The use of terrorism to perpetuate Trump’s race war is front and center with the travesty of asylum seekers on the Southern border, and the purge tactics being used without check for those already in the country. We are in a very dangerous place, and that danger is being echoed internationally. Unfortunately it is a crisis that the dominant white population largely does not see as impacting them.

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21 March 2019

Putting Our Better Angels to Work

British empire

[Graphic: Arthur Mees “Flags of a Free Empire” depicting the British Empire in 1910. Held by the Cornell Univ. Library.]

By Robert C. Koehler
Source:  CommonWonders

Editor's Note
There is a consistent presence of nationalism creating and strengthening “patriotism” and national identity that I have experienced throughout my life, and history informs me has been present since before the inception of this nation – the United States. There has been an almost perpetual “enemy”. When I was young in was the Soviet Union, and communism more generally. We had, but also added China and Japan. The fight, reputedly to “protect America” legitimated the emplacement of active military across the planet; justified manipulating the governments of multiple nations, and created a race for the moon. While the USSR was presented as a “white” ideological and power competitor (despite its own multi-racial, multi-ethnic demography), our intervention (on the pretext of  averting the “domino-theory fall of nations”) seemed to land us in nations of people who were deemed “not-white”, and definitely “lesser” in an array of characteristics and ways. Not surprisingly, these designators were highly familiar inside the United States for they were hauntingly similar to the racial stereotypes and controls placed on non-white citizens and immigrants.

The United States is truly a nation of mostly immigrants. Early on there was a challenge of taking folks with disparate languages and customs, some being historical enemies, and shaping them into one people. Various mechanisms of forced conformity were implemented, and more than the vestiges of those remain today. However, we are not just a nation of immigrants. We are also a nation of exploited peoples brought to, or entering, this land primarily as expendable labor force. We have slaves bought and sold; Mexicans first displaced and then reimported and expelled again and again, laborers from China, and then Japan (thinking they would be less troublesome that blacks or Mexicans). But before them, lived the Indigenous peoples of the Americas who were definitely viewed as “lesser”, and proved to be very poor slaves. This was because they could survive in these lands far better than the forces of imperialism, and they fought back. Imported labor (including many Europeans) had no intimate knowledge of place, no natural allies, and could be controlled in a variety of ways. You cannot separate the creation (and continued operation) of the United States from organized racism and the construction and maintenance of both whiteness and the privileges that attach to it. The same is true regarding European imperialism across the planet each with their own cultural analogs.

Individual animus is not required as a carrier wave for racism and xenophobia. Our “little bits” of such ideologies are connected to a much larger cultural story that is reenacted continuously in a million ways. Its presence is most obvious by the fact that so many see white as “normal”, white as “equal”, white interactions as “universal” and therefore are in active denial about the privilege that attaches to being perceived as “white.”  It is also all too possible to fan that “little bit” into an outright conflagration via an array to tools including outright manipulation, fear, and creating explosive situations. We are hostage observers to these processes every day at this current moment in history. We definitely need our best and most compassionate selves to step forward, and with them the understanding that we must all questions the foundational assumptions on which we stand.

Creating Group Identity
Nationalism, sometimes presenting as ultra-patriotism, follows certain clear rules of shaping group identity. If we think about any group that we want members (or recruits) to claim as their own and have strong group ties, then we can easily make a list of things to do to strengthen the valence of the group in member’s minds. There are “simple” things such as: name the group; have an icon of some sort whether uniform or flag or random item invested with meaning; do things together. Then there are things that up the ante: have a pledge, membership requirements, rules that are enforced. Then we can turn it up another notch: demeaning those outside the group; proposing or creating active enemies. Lastly we can take it all the way up: enemies within-weeding out the internal threats, going to “war” with other groups or requiring a “kill” that bonds the member into the group. Of course, throughout this process the value of the desired group is presented repeatedly, as is the desirability of the members who make up the group.

Probably the closest small group analog of nationalism is either gangs or organized crime. The key is  boundaries – maintaining, enforcing, and strengthening them.  In the case of nationalism, there is an overarching authority (government) with strong coercive enforcement mechanisms, and organized indoctrination mechanisms (school, media, religion, an array of socialization, family formation – who can form a family – law making and law breaking, etc).

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