23 May 2019

American Militarism Is Destroying the Future of Humanity

[Photo: Trump, Pompeo, and Bolton]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD.

Editor's Note
As the United States moves once again to provoke a situation in the Middle East, this time focused on Iran, we have to ask whether the American people with stand against more war and regime change, or whether the apathy of endless wars has inured them to the true costs of what war with Iran would mean. I must say that I am terribly afraid that the media war is being won by the Lords of Chaos who see nothing but profit in both war in itself, and the target – Iran. Further, we seem to be at a point where one party, which controls the Senate, has no will to serve not only as a check on the wild gyrations of the Executive Branch, but even to protect its own Constitutional powers – namely the right to declare war in this case. So even if the people resist, there is no spine in the GOP to speak even in a whisper the Hell that would be unleashed in such massive destruction and destabilization.

It is very likely that large numbers of US troops will be sent to join the Carrier group steaming into the Strait of Hormuz, guns aimed at Iran. Regardless of Trump saying that he doesn’t want war with Iran and he “hopes” that doesn’t happen, the reality is that he has been pushing for this since he was campaigning for President. Further, he has continued to push and provoke and brought in Bolton and Pompeo – both of whom have been pushing to attack Iran for decades. Proclamations of a perpetual liar to the contrary should fall on deaf ears, but apparently whether he shoots someone in cold blood in Times Square (a claim of his immunity from consequences for his actions), or shoots the US arsenal at another nation, no blood will stick to him – or so he and the GOP believe.

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Category: Hegemony, Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D., Mechanisms of Contrrol, Militarism, Peace | Comments Off on American Militarism Is Destroying the Future of Humanity
15 May 2019

Heads Up – Provoking War With Iran

[Photo: Trump, Pompeo, and Bolton]

By Rowan Wolf

Today’s news is that the US is partially clearing its embassy and consulate in Iraq. This occurs after the leak of the possibility of sending 120,000 troops to Iran. There are rumors that this is a precursor for a much larger invasion force as happened with Desert Storm. The Trump administration has been pushing this since entering the White House, and there are repeated provocations. The following clip from All In with Chris Hayes  (5/14/2019) features Senator Tim Kaine speaking frankly about his concerns.

My opinion? Wake up folks. We could easily find ourselves in a shooting war with Iran, and that would light a conflagration in the Middle East and elsewhere on top of the already unstable situation in the region. I would add that it is an instability for which the U.S. is largely responsible.



Rowan Wolf, PhD
rowanbeach-thumb-220x328-436I am a sociologist, writer and activist with life long engagement in social justice, peace, environmental, and animal rights movements. My research and writing includes issues of imperialism, oppression, global capitalism, peak resources, global warming, and environmental degradation. I taught sociology for twenty-two years, was a member of the City of Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force, and maintain my own site Uncommon Thought Journal. I may be reached by email at [email protected]. On a personal note, I am also a survivor of pulmonary hypertension by the gift of a donor’s lungs in 2011. I do my best to honor that gift by trying to be my best self and give to the world what small gifts I have. Among of those is a deep passion for life, and the lives of all those with whom I share the planet.

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21 February 2019

Russian Mediation: The Critical Messages of the Hamas-Fatah Talks in Moscow

Global chessboard

[Graphic: Global chessboard by Zeno333 ]

Ramzy Baroud, PhD

Editor's Note
While it may surprise some that Russia would be engaging political factions in Palestine, there is a long history between them. Palestine, for a variety of reasons including the U.S.’ unwavering support for Israel, has been part of the complex maneuvers of the Cold War and beyond. Today, there is more than long history in Russia stepping forward in an attempt to mediate differences among Palestinian factions. Russia is pushing its advantage in yet another arena where the United States (via Trump) is realigning or withdrawing U.S. engagement. As Ramzy Baroud points out in the following article, Russia was sending a message in hosting this mediation, and hosting it from Moscow.

Russia is directly criticizing Trump’s “peace plan” because it leaves the Palestine blueprint out of consideration. This would erase the gains that Palestinians have made over long decades of struggle. I would say that Trump’s plan does more than that. It seems to me that it totally denies Palestinians a seat at the table. Further, Trump removed the United States from even a fictional role as an arbiter in the deepening conflict. Lavrov spoke to this issue at the meeting:

Speaking on Tuesday at a meeting in Moscow with representatives of Palestinian factions, including Fatah and Hamas, Lavrov said President Donald Trump’s so-called deal of the century, a plan that has not been formally presented yet, does not include a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The lack of a diplomatic horizon and the stalled peace process between Israel and the Palestinians was worrying, especially in light of the position Washington is taking, the foreign minister said, adding that the internal Palestinian split between Fatah, which controls the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, and Hamas, which controls Gaza, gave the United States an excuse to promote a peace plan that does not improve upon previously signed agreements.

“Ending the split will strengthen the position of Russia and the international community, supporting a diplomatic solution based on decisions of the international community,” Lavrov said. “There are countries that don’t see an end to the division and therefore conclude that without it, the two-state solution has become mission impossible.” (Haaretz)

It is maddening to watch the global chessboard knowing that the pawns in play will always be considered expendable be they Palestinians, or Afghans, or Iraqis or Venezuelans, or …

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4 November 2018

It Is a New Era, But China’s Balancing Act Will Fail in the Middle East

Chinese delegation Jerusalem march

[Photo: China loves Israel – Chinese delegation Jerusalem march. wikicommone)]

Ramzy Baroud, PhD

Editor's Note
China and the United States could hardly be more different in their approach to the world. China takes the long view. It looks ahead at challenges and lays the pathways to meet those challenges. And it does so with great discipline, as its population control policies reflect. Realizing that global warming would reshape agriculture globally, China quietly began buying up millions of acres of land in the Americas to meets its food supply needs. Identifying the rapid growth of technology and precious metals necessary to produce them, China bought mines and entered agreements with nations and companies across the planet to meet future needs, but also to position China at the top of the food chain. Watching the demise of rain forests (and prime lumber) China and Japan began buying up timber from the Pacific Northwest (and elsewhere), running factory ships in international waters to turn that timber into lumber, but also literally sinking millions of board feet to preserve for a future when trees are scarce. Five, ten, fifty year plans are the forte of China. This is a world view very similar to American Indigenous tribes seven generations perspective.

FYI, Time has an excellent short video on this period that everyone should watch. Take 4 minutes for a window into history to remind us of a lesson forgotten already.

Then we have the once and fading heavyweight the United States. Never strong on long range planning. Barely able to make three year plans; the ever impetuous U.S. has double and tripled down on immediate profits (wins or gains); following the lead of corporate culture that incentivized the short term gain over long term stability flushing billions into the hands of the uber-wealthy; bankrupting companies and short changing workers. Thereby creating a wealth gap that exceeds even the so called “gilded age”. Of course only “gilded” for the “winners” – some of whom’s families form the “old wealth” pool of today’s .01%.

China, looking ever ahead has forged ties and trade (including military weaponry from the US to make Israel THE military powerhouse in the Middle East – Saudi Arabia not withstanding). Where will these plans lead? This is the question that Ramzy Baroud raises in the following discussion.

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Category: Economics, Globalization - Corporatization, Israel, Palestine, Ramzy Baroud | Comments Off on It Is a New Era, But China’s Balancing Act Will Fail in the Middle East
17 October 2018

The Syrian Chess Board

Yarmouk refugees

[Photo: Syrian and Palestinian refugees now pack Yarmouk as this picture of people queuing up for food distribution shows. (EPA/UN)]

By Conn Hallinan
Source:  Dispatches from the Edge

Editor's Note
The United States has made a bloody career of “stirring the pot” in the Middle East and South Asia (as well as hundreds of other regions). European imperialism, and US economic promotion was (and likely continues to be) advanced through covert actions, now increasingly pushed as official policy. The long term relationships in the region has mixed with and created hostilities and boundaries were redrawn, puppet governments installed, and those with and without power settled through external forces. As formal imperial powers “withdrew”, and supposedly “freed” their colonies, the economic imperialism replaced the old political bounds. Resources and geography set up the chessboard for superpowers to maneuver and variously influence national and regional government and business. After 2001, the United States made an open policy of something that had once only been done covertly – regime change. This hardly means that covert actions are out the window. In fact, in too many cases we can find the U.S. military and the various groups being backed and supported actually fighting with each other. This can happen when you back multiple forces within a given conflict. The U.S. policy of regime change has wreaked deadly havoc across the entire region and there is no end in sight. To say that these are complex issues would be a radical understatement, but Conn Hallinan does an excellent job of sorting through the various threads in the web of the Syrian. While horrendous, and criminally undercovered by the media, it is only one of many places where the U.S. has a direct hand in destroying lives and national and regional stability.

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