What the Inauguration Meant to Me, as an Abuse Survivor
[Photo: Tasnim News Agency, ]
By Sunnivie Brydum
Source: Yes! Magazine
[Photo: Tasnim News Agency, ]
By Sunnivie Brydum
Source: Yes! Magazine
[Photo: Confederate flag flying at the New Hope Church in New Hope, Georgia. (J. Stephen Conn)]
By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: –
[Graphic: Trump and American fascism. (Occupy)]
By: Henry A. Giroux interviewed by Media for Us
Source: Truthout
I’m not generally big on reading interviews, and that is why you don’t find many published here at UncommonThought. However, interviews have their place and good interviews can “put flesh on the bones” of both work and ideas. That is true of the following interview with Henry regarding concepts raised in his writing, and most particularly in his most recent book, American Nightmare.
One of the reasons that I am so enamored of Henry Giroux’s work is that it always sets my mind on a dozen insights and ideas, different connections, and new pictures. Frequently, where my mind leaps off is not into the frame that he has created, but into my own understanding with a new insight. I don’t know what you call this type of intellectual fertility, but it is a very special gift from a very special person.
As I read through the Giroux’s elaboration and explanation of some of the concepts embedded in his work and how they apply in the current situation, I said “YES!” a number of times. I believe that you will as well.
By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: The Conversation
By John Chuckman
[dropcap]A[/dropcap]merica is engaged in another of its sprawling and costly national election campaigns. A few of the events, such as the New Hampshire primary or the Iowa Caucus, I’m sure have participants seeing themselves as Thomas Jefferson’s sturdy yeomen doing their civic duty. But such humble and misty-eyed tableaux can be deceiving for the big picture is quite disturbing, including, as it does, billions of dollars spent and a lot of noise generated about things which will not change in any outcome.