18 June 2017

Russia’s Not the Country Benefitting Most from Trump

Jinping and Trump

[Photo: Xi Jinping and Donald Trump at Mira Lago (Resumen del Sur)]

By John Feffer
Source:  Foreign Policy in Focus

Editor's Note
There is no doubt that Trump has a special place in his regard for Russia as, atypically, not a harsh word has crossed his lips. Likewise, he has embraced autocrats (which it seems he aspires to be) Duterte, Erdogan, and Salman Al Saud. However, the Congress has bollixed up the relationship with Russia, though I doubt that Russia is displeased with the level of chaos and distraction in Washington. Trumps harsh words and insults to China seemed to melt away after the dinner the two had at Mira Lago, but the real advantage to China is their position as the second largest economy. This well positions them to benefit from Trump’s eschewing of U.S. engagement in the world.

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17 April 2017

United Airlines and Western Human Rights Hypocrisy

United Airline passenger ejection

[Photo: David Dao forcibly ejected from United Airlines.]

By Caleb Maupin

Editor's Note
The issue of cultural difference is tremendously important. While it is normal to think that everyone sees the world in the same way and operates under the same idea of “right living”, nothing could be further not just from truth, but reality. This essay looks at this reality in the context of public apologies and the forcible ejection of David Dao.

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13 February 2017

Understanding America’s Many Wars

[Photo: Happy Buddha in jade]

By Murray Polner

Editor's Note
Perhaps the biggest failing of U.S. foreign policy across time is ethnocentrism, or perhaps a cultural ego centrism. The U.S. consistently sees the world through its own frame and for its own interests (regardless what is shared with the public to garner support for its actions). Murray Polner’s examination of relations between the U.S. and China and Japan  is instructive given the multiple forces at play in that neighborhood at this time. There is a certain irony that we now have in office a man who essentially thinks he is his own world, much as the United States has looked at the world. For many it seems reflective of an illness that could take us all down. Perhaps this is a teachable moment.

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13 December 2016

China: The vanguard of globalisation

China - ASEAN launch

[Photo: China and ASEAN ecommerce launch (CCTV)]

By Richard Javad Heydarian

There is a real shift that is happening in the world at the same time that the United States has shifted into an alternate reality. They have not just handed over manufacturing to the world, but where the US is rapidly drifting towards 3rd world status. Meanwhile China and Asia are indeed, the rising economic sun.

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13 December 2016

Will Vietnam Embrace China After Trump Is Elected?

Workers HCM City

[Photo: Garment workers in Ho Chi Min City. (ILO.]

By Andre Vltchek

Editor's Note
It is important to look at relationships between China and Vietnam, as well as Vietnam’s response to a Trump presidency, with the understanding that it is rapidly becoming the “go-to” global labor force, beginning to replace China at the unskilled end and India at the skilled end of the market. In both cases, Vietnam’s workforce is still cheaper than its competitors with infrastructure being a major hold up. The global placement of the people of Vietnam as workers is not good for the people, and likely part of the success to the communist party there.
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