18 June
Russia’s Not the Country Benefitting Most from Trump
[Photo: Xi Jinping and Donald Trump at Mira Lago (Resumen del Sur)]
By John Feffer
Source: Foreign Policy in Focus
Editor's Note
There is no doubt that Trump has a special place in his regard for Russia as, atypically, not a harsh word has crossed his lips. Likewise, he has embraced autocrats (which it seems he aspires to be) Duterte, Erdogan, and Salman Al Saud. However, the Congress has bollixed up the relationship with Russia, though I doubt that Russia is displeased with the level of chaos and distraction in Washington. Trumps harsh words and insults to China seemed to melt away after the dinner the two had at Mira Lago, but the real advantage to China is their position as the second largest economy. This well positions them to benefit from Trump’s eschewing of U.S. engagement in the world.