27 September 2023

Mouths Full of Blood: Trump and His Backers Spread Lies, Violence and Fascism

[Photo: Donald Trump “Make America Great Again” Puppet at Women’s March on NYC 2017. Shaun Dawson]

By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: Truthout

Editor's Note
There is a wildfire of hatred that is being fueled by Donald Trump and the (former) Republican Party. We got here through a long-term plan of sowing dissent, hopelessness, hatred, and fear of the “other”, and ongoing efforts to tear down major institutions of government, law, and education. Step by step, from Regan forward, a plan to undermine democracy and place us in the hands of oligarchs. Trump became both the figurehead and the tip of the sword in the effort to perform a coup of huge proportions because it is not just about “the peaceful transfer of power” and keeping Trump in office, but about destroying the government and concentrating power.

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Category: Henry A. Giroux, Lies Damn Lies - Propaganda, Mechanisms of Contrrol, Pull Right - Fascism, Trump, Violence | Comments Off on Mouths Full of Blood: Trump and His Backers Spread Lies, Violence and Fascism
14 April 2023

Al-Aqsa Mosque Waiting for the Arab Leaders

[Photo: Al Aqsa Mosque, Rajesh Pamnani, flickr.]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Editor's Note
What is happening in Israel is not dissimilar to what is happening in the United States in terms of the rightward swing of their government, and the leadership of a strongman prime minister willing to make deals with the devil (so to speak) in order to maintain power (and ultimately protect himself from prosecution). Netanyahu seemingly has a similar chokehold on his Likud party. While he won re-election as prime minister, in order to have a ruling government he needed to make a coalition government with ultra-Orthodox and extremist parties. In fact, the most extreme had been on terrorist watchlists not that long ago.

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20 December 2022

Neoliberal Fascism, Cruel Violence, and the Politics of Disposability

[Photo: “The Hate Whisperer”, Nate Beeler. CagleCartoons.com]

By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: Counterpunch

Editor's Note
It is no secret that during the Trump presidency that the purpose of much of the policies implemented was cruelty. This seems to continue to be the strategy of the GOP, and I don’t think that it is Trump’s hold on the party that is driving it. The GOP has apparently determined that hate and cruelty “work” and are playing their cards as wickedly as possible. The two most in the news with such antics are Abbott in Texas and DeSantis in Florida – though they are certainly not alone. But there is a point to the cruelty, a context, and a reason why some people are being driven down this path – a deliberate process of radicalization.

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Category: Henry A. Giroux, Lies Damn Lies - Propaganda, Mechanisms of Contrrol, Pull Right - Fascism, Social (In)Justice, Violence, White Nationalism, White Supremacy, Xenophobia | Comments Off on Neoliberal Fascism, Cruel Violence, and the Politics of Disposability
12 September 2022

We Need a New Language of Resistance Amid Far Right’s Calls for Civil War

[Photo:’A Ban Sign,” Dave Whamond PoliticalCartoons.com]

By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: TruthOut

Editor's Note
Banning books, banning language, banning curriculum, using violence and the threat of violence to silence people, dumbing down people with rewritten texts and whole topical areas. We could argue that the far right’s control of the GOP, or of the courts, or of political office, are the biggest threats to democracy. But, the largest long-term threat is the removal and/or appropriation of language. Language controls not just our communication. but our ability to conceive of thoughts. If we dream something new, or there is a critical change, then we inject new words to contain the concept.

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Category: Activists, Henry A. Giroux, Language, Pull Right - Fascism, Rights, Silencing & Repression, Violence | Comments Off on We Need a New Language of Resistance Amid Far Right’s Calls for Civil War
29 May 2022

To End Mass Shootings, We Need to Change the Deeper Structure of Life in the US

True 2nd Amendment cartoon

[Photo: True 2nd Amendment. David Fitzsimmons. The Arizona Star, Tucson, Az.]

By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: Truthout

Editor's Note
We live in a society that has increasingly not only taken the path of simplicity but has also increasingly undermined citizens’ tools to identify and address the complexity with which we are faced. – critical thinking, knowledge of our history and governing structures, and non-violent conflict resolution. This has left us with a population which is seriously susceptible to propaganda on one hand, and quick to anger at why problems don’t get solved on the other. The sad reality is that too many of our leaders have the same intellectual weaknesses as those they represent. I realize that in even raising these issues I am likely to be accused of elitism – one of the go-to accusations to silence people who attempt to address things like systemic racism, and the dismantling of both our educational system and curriculum.

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