15 February 2021

A Fresh Breath for White Supremacy and A Mortal Wound for Democracy

weeping Liberty

By Rowan Wolf

I am both enraged and deeply saddened by the Republicans who voted to acquit Donald J. Trump of inciting the attempted insurrection of January 6, 2021, by a mob that he had inflamed, called to Washington for this explicit purpose, and then ordered to the Capitol to carry out the insurrection. There was no doubt in almost anyone’s mind, regardless of political affiliation, as was made clear in the duplicitous speech of Mitch McConnell (addressed more completely below). However, before further continuation of that discussion, it is important to recognize that impeachment and the trial in the Senate are far different than criminal prosecution, and in many ways much more critical to the sweep of the future in the United States. The choice to acquit Trump for his blatant actions to overturn the vote of the people is now a precedent of UNIMPEACHABLE offenses – into perpetuity. The practice of a peaceful transfer of power, probably the greatest gift to this country of George Washington, is now optional.

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7 February 2020

Trump’s SOTU Speech Bristled With Fascist Politics

Trump 2020 State of the Union Pence and Pelosi

[Photo: Trump at the 2020 State of the Union Address. (White House photo)]

By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: Truthout

Editor's Note
After 3 years in office and countless examples of how he operates, many are still trying to cut him slack because “he just doesn’t know how things work.” Sadly, I think he understands all too well, and that he has turned the presidency into a criminal enterprise – just like all of his “businesses’. Trump may prove to be the death of our constitutional democracy not simply because of his own devastatingly flawed character, but because he is being enabled and even pushed to greater efforts by the Republican Party and the active collusion to those he has placed in positions of power. Trump is a sociopathic bully who has at his disposal the full wealth and power of the United States. He is authoritarian by nature, but the Republican Party is authoritarian by choice. They have pushed for most of the century to create a highly limited democracy that serves a monied elite. In other words, an oligarchy. Democracy for the few means fascism for the many.

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30 January 2020

A Christian Caliphate Is Not Divine

Evangelicals surrounding Trump

[Graphic: Bare Witness (Pat Bagley, Salt Lake City Tribune).]

By Rowan Wolf

What can happen in a lifetime? The erosion of a nation, and the destruction of the planet. Shortly before my birth, the pressure to add the words “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance was enacted into law (6/14/1954). This was followed by adding “In God we trust” to our currency. By 1981, Ronald Reagan became President of the United States and brought the merger of a variant to Christianity and corporate capitalism to the highest office in the land, and importantly to the reconstruction of the Republican Party. I recommend a browser search on “corporate Christianity”. You might be surprised at the results of that search. Other enlightening investigations on Christianity in American politics include works by Jeff Sharlet, Chris Hedges, and Kevin Kruse among many others. In the heart of D.C. politics, we find The C Street Center, referred to by Peter Boyer in The New Yorker as Frat House For Jesus,  and by Jeff Sharlet as the Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy. However, the forces at play stretch far beyond C Street and go to the phenomena of tele-evangelism and megachurches that have grabbed (largely white) evangelical Christianity and become a significant majority of the base of the Republican Party. In fact, by the Republican Convention that selected  George W. Bush as its candidate, more than two-thirds of the convention self-identified as “born again.”

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28 January 2020

A Bus Driver’s In-Sightings

Kids crowding back of bus

[Photo: Courtesy Amery School District.]

By Charles Orloski

Editor's Note
My memories of riding on a school bus include incidents of chaos and bad behavior carried on out of sight of the driver. You know, pinching, kicking, hair pulling, and theft. [As an adult, I remain amazed that schools can find anyone for the job, especially given the atrociously low pay in most districts.] I imagine that things have gotten worse rather than better over the decades. In part, because it seems that there are many fewer boundaries than when I was a child.

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