4 November 2024

Don’t Be Fooled By Allegations of Immigrants Illegal Voting

[Graphic: National Archive and Records Administration]

By Rowan Wolf

Trump’s megaphone allegations about voter fraud, voting by immigrants, and Democratic “cheating’ lead you astray. There is no there there. The percentage of immigrants who voted illegally from 2000 forward was 30 about of almost a billion ballots. Even the Heritage Foundation database only had 85 ALLEGATIONS (not proven cases) of this type of fraud. The Trump campaign is filing dozens of voting challenges NOW to prepare foundations for cases they plan to challenge the vote after tomorrow.

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Category: 2024, 2024 Elections, Election Subversion, Rowan Wolf - UTJ Editor, Save Democracy, The Vote, Trump, Voting Rights | Comments Off on Don’t Be Fooled By Allegations of Immigrants Illegal Voting
8 October 2022

White nationalism is a political ideology that mainstreams racist conspiracy theories

[Photo: National Front @ Unite the Right rally by Philadelphia Antifa]

By Sara Kamali
Source: The Conversation

Editor's Note
I will be publishing a series of posts on white supremacy, white nationalism, Christian Identity, fascism and related topics. At the base of all of these overlapping groups and ideologies is white racism. Among the various things they have in common is that they are now all embraced as critical components of the Republican base. I believe that talking about this is important as this is definitely being both blatantly used and whitewashed by the Republicans, and that white Americans on the whole are very uncomfortable talking about racism. Further, this makes the growing radicalization on the right a real threat to any hope of true democracy in the United States.

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Category: Guest, Neofascism, Privilege, Racism, State Repression, Voting Rights, White Supremacy | Comments Off on White nationalism is a political ideology that mainstreams racist conspiracy theories
27 September 2021

Jim Crow 2 Is Not Déjà vu

NAACP Voting Rights march 2011

[Photo by Michael Fleshmam]

By Rowan Wolf

Republicans are enacting legislation across the country that includes not only voter suppression but vote revision. They are reinstituting Jim Crow, but it is not Déjà vu. Déjà vu is a feeling that one has seen or experienced something before. In the case of what we can refer to as “Jim Crow 2.0” the legislation is all too real, and may well go places that 1.0 did not. Whereas Jim Crow 1.0 reinstituted and enforced racial segregation after the violent end of chattel slavery, 2.0 reinstitutes broad racial discrimination across a growing number of social areas.

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Category: Hegemony, Racism, Rowan Wolf - UTJ Editor, Suppression, The Vote, Vote Revision, Voting Rights | Comments Off on Jim Crow 2 Is Not Déjà vu
13 April 2021

For the People Act vs. Jim Crow in New Clothes

2021 voter suppression bills

[Graphic: State voter suppression bills 2021, CNN from Brennan Center]

By Max Elbaum
Source:  Organizing Upgrade

Editor's Note
The Jim Crow era of U.S. period ran from the end of the Civil War  to the Mid-1900s, though some historical sources might say early-1900s. This reflected an era of laws that enforced racial segregation and voting suppression. We could argue that Jim Crow never really ended as today we have almost as much residential segregation by race as before red-lining was declared illegal, and there was an attempt to desegregate schools. What did change was that voting rights legislation was put in place in the 1960s, and many rules and laws were changed or stricken to officially ban segregation by race.

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26 February 2021

We Are Facing an Existential Threat to Our Democracy and We Must Act Now

Insurrgents break into the Capitol

[Photo: Insurgents break into the Capitol 1/06/2021 (Pressenza).]

By Rowan Wolf

We are facing an existential threat to our democracy and we must act now. The Republican Party has splintered with the majority pursuing a course of white supremacist nationalism that endorses sedition and the violent overthrow of our government. A handful is backing off their support of Trump and his coup attempts and they are being censured by their state parties. Those same state party members are generating a mountain of voter suppression legislation aimed at black and brown voters, and any demographic that is presumed to lean towards the Democratic Party – even if it cuts into their own voting ranks. If they can eliminate enough voters, then those voting as a gerrymandered Republican block can win power and (permanent) control with relatively few voters.

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Category: Hegemony, Pull Right - Fascism, Rowan Wolf - UTJ Editor, The Vote, Voting Rights, White Nationalism, White Supremacy | Comments Off on We Are Facing an Existential Threat to Our Democracy and We Must Act Now