20 February 2023


[Photo: Cotton field at sunset. John Thomas, 2010.]

Gaither Stewart

Editor's Note
It is amazing how much of what we think we know is based on stories we make up and tell ourselves. As a sociologist, I find this process amazing because much of it is based upon cultural information that we absorb as part of normal socialization. It may then be modified by our personal experiences in interesting, though often predictable, ways assuming someone knows us well.  As a lesbian who (once) stood 5’11” tall, I have had amazing stories written in people’s heads – at least the ones I figured out or they told me.

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Category: Gaither Stewart, Patriarchy, Privilege, Social (In)Justice, Transgender | Comments Off on ALGODÓN
15 November 2022

Patriarchy in India is Beginning to Crumble

[Photo: Dalit women activists at the All-India Dalit Mahila Adhikar Manch (AIDMAM) that toured the U.S. (Counterview]
By William T. Hathaway

Editor's Note
In India, and in Iran, and many other places, women are standing together and demanding inclusion, participation, and representation in their communities and nations. Why must we keep reiterating that “women hold up half the sky”? Why are human concerns minimized to “women’s issues” as if they did not affect all regardless of sex or gender?

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Category: India, Patriarchy, Religion, William T. Hathaway | Comments Off on Patriarchy in India is Beginning to Crumble