19 May 2024

11,000% Return: Trump’s $1 Billion Offer Could Yield $110 Billion Windfall for Big Oil

[Photo: Texas oil field courtesy Roughly Daily.]

By Jon Queally
Source:  CommonDreams

Editor's Note
Trump’s “barter” with big oil: Give me $1 billion for my campaign and I will deregulate and give you (more) tax breaks. The estimated return to big oil would be roughly $110 Billion. Is this even legal?

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17 May 2023

Senator Whitehouse: 275 of 315 Pages of GOP Debt Limit Bill Are Big Oil FavorsThis is so

By Sharon Zhang
Source:  Truthout

Editor's Note
This policy offering by the Republicans is so wrong that it is hard to know where to start. First, we are facing an existential crisis with global warming, but underneath that is another one that folks seem to have put on the shelf – peak fossil fuels. I know we are drilling like crazy, but most of the oil today is cruder than before we hit the bottom of the barrel, and this lower grade of crude is harder and more expensive to process. It is not a coincidence that fracking has become such a big deal, and natural gas is being pushed globally as a “clean” replacement. The reality is that we are literally burning through fossil fuels at a prodigious rate. According to ZME Science,

At the current rates of production, oil will run out in 53 years, natural gas in 54 years, and coal in 110 years, according to estimates from the 2015 World Energy Outlook study by the International Energy Agency. This forecast is predicated on the assumption that fossil fuels will constitute 59% of the total primary energy demand in 2040, even despite aggressive climate action policies.

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21 February 2023

Media Ignore Seymour Hersh Bombshell Report of U.S. Destroying Nord Stream II

[Photo: NordStream II pipeline route (Wikimedia).]

By Alan MacLeod
Source:  MR Online

Editor's Note
This is a gobsmacker of a report by both Seymour Hersh and Alan MacLeod. Hersh reports that the U.S. blew up the pipeline, and MacLeod reports on the lack of coverage thereof. Both reporters have reputations of high credibility, and MR Online has an overall good reputation as well, as does Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting which MacLeod writes for regularly. While we normal folk do not have access to Hersh’s full report, we do have access to his blog post. I imagine there is a book in the works so keep an eye out.

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Category: Corporate - Corporatization, fossil fuels, Guest, Lies Damn Lies - Propaganda, Media, U.S., Undercover - Under Suspicion | Comments Off on Media Ignore Seymour Hersh Bombshell Report of U.S. Destroying Nord Stream II
15 July 2022


California - Future Hellscape, cartoon

[Graphic: Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News, NY]

By Elizabeth Anker
Source:  By My Solitary Hearth

Editor's Note
Call it “dark humor” or “writing with teeth”, this essay by Elizabeth Anker (AKA Eliza Daley), had  me from the first paragraph. Anyone who has been here at UncommonThought for a while knows my love of language. And like Henry A. Giroux, I believe that language is critical to agency, and to taking our power back. This piece has numerous examples of this – just one of which is reclaiming “normal” from its politicized painting over of reality.

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31 January 2020

Pipeline or a Pipedream: Israel, Turkey Hydrocarbon Conflict is Brewing in the Mediterranean

Israel's Levantine gas fields

[Graphic: Israel’s Offshore Gas Fields. (Middle East Eye)]

Ramzy Baroud, PhD

Editor's Note
Is peace in the world possible as long as we continue to demand fossil fuels? It is hard to imagine a broader corruption of our lives and our planets than has arisen around fossil fuels, particularly petroleum derivatives. The U’wa of Colombia believe oil is the blood of Mother Earth, and they have a sacred charge to protect their land and the oil. How far most of us are from the reverence of the U’wa and the balance of nature they preserve. In a world where everything is commodified, and a global economy has been rooted in oil (and now natural gas), those who control it control the world. This brings a level of greed and corruption that has decimated the planet, displaced hundreds of millions of people, and killed millions more. We are constantly distracted from the true costs of fossil fuels, and flags are waved in our faces to make fighting for oil companies “patriotic” and “fighting for our way of life”. Oh, how I wish that we would be told what “our way of life” means.

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