3 January 2018

Trump’s Dark Deregulation

First church of deregulation

[Graphic: “First Church of Deregulation”, R.J. Matson, CagleCartoons.com]

By Ian MacDougall
Source: ProPublica

Editor's Note
Why is it no surprise that someone who apparently hates to read, has no interest in learning his job, and wants to have things work as if he was the sole authority, would somehow figure out the ins and outs of avoiding regulation and controls? Welcome to the Trump administration which has not only figured out the standard ways to destroy the “administrative state” (controls and oversight), but invented new ones. Combine this with a ruling party that wants most of the same things and it is carte blanche at the trough. I have to consciously work at not grinding the fillings out of my teeth every time the topic comes up of Trump and swamps and deregulation and dismantling the administrative state works well with Grover Norquist’s “I don’t want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub. ” (NPR Morning Edition interview May 25, 2001).
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14 October 2017

Texas Official After Harvey: The ‘Red Cross Was Not There’

broken Red Cross

[Graphic: Courtesy ProPublica]

By Justin Elliot, Jessica Huseman and Decca Muldowney
Source:  ProPublica and The Texas Tribune

This story was co-published with The Texas Tribune.

Editor's Note
The Red Cross has a long and honorable history. Founded by Henry Dunant in June 1859 as an international war aid organization, and run for decades by Clara Barton. It went from an aide and communication organization for soldiers and victims of war, to include domestic disaster relief in September, 1881. It received its original congressional charter as an aid organization  in 1900 (Red Cross Timeline), Over time, the Red Cross has become the key go to organization for disaster and emergency relief, as well as a key component of the nation’s blood supply. Since at least Hurricane Katrina in 2005 the Red Cross has increasingly failed in its mission and broken the trust of the American public (Katrina 2005, Haiti earthquake 2010, Isaac and Sandy 2012 and here, and now Harvey). In short, they have disappeared hundreds of millions of dollars from every major disaster for at least the last 12 years. What has happened is that the organization went from being run by a board of people dedicated to assistance, to a business oriented board. The went from a charity to a corporation posing as a charity. This is a process that has happened across virtually every sector of American life as the population has been sold a lie that a capitalist business model is the best way for the world to run. It is a model that is being applied to education, health care, environmental protection, charity and service organizations, religions, and now government itself. It is a model that is failing in each and every one of those sectors. It fails because it is a model that is aimed at economic accumulation and “profit”, and not meeting needs. However, people feel particularly bilked when their desire to help others in need is transformed into a money making opportunity for a major “charity”.

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22 June 2016

On Agent Orange, VA Weighs Politics and Cost Along With Science

agent orange effects

By Charles Ornstein, ProPublica, and Mike Hixenbaugh, The Virginian-Pilot

[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ast year, a group of federal scientists was debating whether as many as 2,100 Air Force veterans should qualify for cash benefits for ailments they claimed stemmed from flying aircraft contaminated by Agent Orange.

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