3 March 2020

Cult-Like Ignorance is Death: Trump and the Coronavirus

Trump golfs away coronavirus

[Photo: Corona Virus Trump (Bart van Leeuwen, PoliticalCartoons.com)]

By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: Counterpunch

Editor's Note
We are in a major dilemma. Trump’s shortfalls are widely acknowledged, and in critical situations, they are likely to turn a bad situation into a catastrophe. We are facing a bad situation with Covid-19.  It is bad from a health perspective as its mortality rate is currently estimated at 20 times higher than the flu. In real numbers, that would result in approximately 740,000 deaths a year. It could be higher as there is no vaccine as there is for the flu vaccine which lessens the severity (and lethality) of the flu.  Further, it is likely that a vaccine will not be available for 18 months – well passed the next “flu” season. Also, if this virus follows the patter of other virus outbreaks, the second season will be much worse than the last.

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14 January 2020

Will We Always Be This Way?

peace graffiti street art children war

By Robert C. Koehler
Source:  CommonWonders

Editor's Note
“War is Hell.” I have heard this truth many times; however, the context in which it is most frequently used is to excuse the atrocities of war. Yes, excuse. It is thrown out by soldiers, politicians, and supporters of any given war to wave away the dehumanization, destruction, and outright cruelty from torture, to massacre, to defiling of bodies and sacred sites. It is thrown out with the sense of “Of course these awful things happen (you naive fool). War is Hell.”

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Category: Lies Damn Lies - Propaganda, Peace, Policy, Politics, Robert C. Koehler, War and Conflict | Comments Off on Will We Always Be This Way?
1 January 2020

Welcome to 2020 … Get on Your Super Citizen Suit

climate protest What I Stand For, climate sign

[Photo: School Climate Strike 2019]

By Rowan Wolf

Welcome to 2020. We had better rest today because this is going to be a year that will demand much of us as citizens of our nations and the world. Politically, more is on the line than at almost any time in our history. Part of the reason is that we have entered the last decade in which we have a chance to mitigate the rapidly accelerating climate and environmental disasters. This sets a timeline that makes every decision a life and death political decision.

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Category: 2020, Activists, Climate Chaos, Environment, Justice, Policy, Rights, Rowan Wolf - UTJ Editor | Comments Off on Welcome to 2020 … Get on Your Super Citizen Suit
27 November 2019

Dialysis Patients Panic as Financial “Life Raft” Becomes Unmoored

Russell Desmond dialysis patient

[Photo: Russell Desmond is a California dialysis patient dramatically impacted by new legislation, demonstating the tangled nature of healthcare provision, costs, and payment. (Ana Ibarra/Ca Healthline)]

By Ana B. Ibarra
Source:  Kaiser Health News

Editor's Note
The discussion in this article of the impact of a new law in California that limits how much private insurance reimbursement dialysis companies can receive to that which Medicare pays. This same limitation will be applied to drug programs as well. The impact is that patients whose dialysis costs have been eased by organizations like the American Kidney Fund are going to have the burden of paying significantly more out of pocket.  This impact on patients could effectively put dialysis out of reach for many with ultimately fatal outcomes.

What we see here is not the cruelty of the state, but legislation that goes to the Gordian knot of healthcare in the United States.

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Category: Corporate - Corporatization, Guest, Health - Medical, Hegemony, Justice, Law, Policy | Comments Off on Dialysis Patients Panic as Financial “Life Raft” Becomes Unmoored
22 September 2019

The US Has “Disappeared” More Than 42,000 Migrants

[Photo: Refugee camp of people waiting to enter the U.S. in Tijuana. (Unicorn Riot).]

By David L. Wilson
Source: Truthout

Editor's Note
It is maddening that Trump’s sadistic policies towards refugees and asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border are allowed to continue. It as if an arsonist was setting fires and then declaring an emergency due to fire losses. Every cruel and illegal action being taken by the current administration is creating the humanitarian crisis at the border. This includes the draconian doublethink of the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP). I highly recommend reading the Department of Homeland Security propaganda piece at the previous link, but let me offer two examples from the DHS announcement;

We have implemented an unprecedented action that will address the urgent humanitarian and security crisis at the Southern border. This humanitarian approach will help to end the exploitation of our generous immigration laws. The Migrant Protection Protocols represent a methodical commonsense approach, exercising long-standing statutory authority to help address the crisis at our Southern border.” – Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen

“Every month, tens of thousands of individuals arrive unlawfully at the Southern Border.  MPP will reduce the number of aliens taking advantage of U.S. law and discourage false asylum claims.  Aliens will not be permitted to disappear into the U.S. before a court issues a final decision on whether they will be admitted and provided protection under U.S. law.  Instead, they will await a determination in Mexico and receive appropriate humanitarian protections there.”

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