7 April 2021

We, the People: Humanity and Our Entangled Future through the Global COVID-19 Pandemic

Pandemic: The World is Closed

[Photo: Covid-19: The World is Closed. Thessaloniki, Edwin Hooper.]
By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Editor's Note
As I have opined before, I keep hoping that a global challenge, such as this pandemic. Thus far, many nations have not even accomplished national unity, much less regional or global. There are of course reasons for this, the primary being the repeated disinformation on one hand and the distrust of government on the other. This distrust may have been earned and reasonable, or it may have been overblown for political reasons. In the United States, there has been a long-range plan to “dumb down” the citizenry and to encourage distrust of science, expertise, and even reason. Long before the pandemic, it was common to hear “everything is a matter of opinion.”  In other words, there is no shared verifiable reality and my opinion is better (not “as good”) than any expert. In fact, anyone who disagrees with “me” is wrong. So it is not just that everyone’s opinion has equal value, but that in the absence of an agreed-upon, verifiable reality, personal belief rules. This latter shift is critical because it not only reflects the nurtured destruction of science and reason but a broad normalization of individual primacy that is central to a narcissistic world orientation. This may point to the attraction of many to Donald Trump.

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Category: Futurescape, Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D., Militarism, Peace, Policy, Pull Right - Fascism, War and Conflict | Comments Off on We, the People: Humanity and Our Entangled Future through the Global COVID-19 Pandemic
30 March 2021

The 2019 SB 770 Design Model Health Care For ALL Oregon Plan

[Graphic: Frontiers in Public Health]

By Glendora Claybrooks

Editor's Note
In 2015, Oregon embarked on a journey toward equitable, universal health care for all legal  Oregon residents. In 2019, Senate Bill 770 was passed into law. Among the actionable items of the bill was the creation of a Board and taskforce to examine current systems and design a model plan that directly addresses healthcare inequities while creating a resilient system for healthcare in Oregon. While it seems a monumental task, Oregon is not the only state embarking on this important project. However, like the federal efforts at “Medicare for all” the starting place seems to be the failures of Medicaid at the state level. In Oregon, this is referred to as the Oregon Health Plan.

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8 January 2021

The US Money Tree: The Untold Story of American Aid to Israel

US, Israel, Palestine

[Photo: Nov 16, 2020, Thomas van Cool and Ted Eytan]

Ramzy Baroud, PhD

Editor's Note
The history of U.S. Support for Israel as a Jewish homeland goes way back:

While an array of recent controversies have developed from members of Congress around the US’ support of Israel, the fact is America is and was always pro-Israel.  This is built on the foundation of early American leaders who understood the significance of Israel based on common Judeo-Christian values and solid biblical imperative.

Of course, when the American founding fathers supported Israel, it was not based on the existence of a modern state.  They understood that Israel, ie: Jewish people, and the Land of Israel, were inseparably linked. Long before there was ever an Israel-Arab conflict, and when Moslem Ottomans controlled the Land of Israel, the US’s founding fathers aspired to bless Israel and to restore Jewish sovereignty there. (Jonathan Feldstein, Mar 24, 2019, Townhall: Why Does America Support Israel?)

Feldstein goes on to report that John Adams issued the first known pro-zionist statement to an early leader of the American Jews, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”

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Category: Imperialism and Colonialism, Israel, Militarism, Palestine, Policy, Ramzy Baroud | Comments Off on The US Money Tree: The Untold Story of American Aid to Israel
27 August 2020

‘This Change in Policy Will Kill’

CDC conflicting directions

[Graphic: Rowan Wolf]

By Lisa Newcomb
Source:  CommonDreams

Editor's Note
Public health should not be political. I know that it is inherently political as are all things policy-driven, as embedded within policy, are both cultural biases and special interests. However, to be blatantly Political with a capital “P” is an obscene abuse, and bound to cause huge problems.

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31 March 2020

One Quarter of the World’s Population is Under US Sanction

Covid-19 Infections World Wide as of 3/29/2020

[Map: Covid-19 Infections World Wide as of 3/29/2020 (Pharexia and authors of File:BlankMap-World.svg)]

By Alan Macleod
Source:  The Mint Press

Editor's Note
Many people have had serious concerns about the United States’ use of sanctions. This was as true under previous administrations as under the current one, though in some cases (like Iran) the sanctions have become far more than a whip. Instead, they can be used as a stranglehold, as is currently the case with both Iran and Venezuela. Sanctions are rarely covered in any detail by US corporate media, and the consequences of them are virtually hidden. This keeps the people of the US from asking questions, or from speaking their opinions, about this “non-military” method of “leveraging” compliance with US demands.

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