We, the People: Humanity and Our Entangled Future through the Global COVID-19 Pandemic

[Graphic: Frontiers in Public Health]
By Glendora Claybrooks
[Photo: Nov 16, 2020, Thomas van Cool and Ted Eytan]
Ramzy Baroud, PhD
While an array of recent controversies have developed from members of Congress around the US’ support of Israel, the fact is America is and was always pro-Israel. This is built on the foundation of early American leaders who understood the significance of Israel based on common Judeo-Christian values and solid biblical imperative.
Of course, when the American founding fathers supported Israel, it was not based on the existence of a modern state. They understood that Israel, ie: Jewish people, and the Land of Israel, were inseparably linked. Long before there was ever an Israel-Arab conflict, and when Moslem Ottomans controlled the Land of Israel, the US’s founding fathers aspired to bless Israel and to restore Jewish sovereignty there. (Jonathan Feldstein, Mar 24, 2019, Townhall: Why Does America Support Israel?)
Feldstein goes on to report that John Adams issued the first known pro-zionist statement to an early leader of the American Jews, Mordecai Noah: “I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites indeed as well disciplined as a French army –marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation.”
[Graphic: Rowan Wolf]
By Lisa Newcomb
Source: CommonDreams
[Map: Covid-19 Infections World Wide as of 3/29/2020 (Pharexia and authors of File:BlankMap-World.svg)]
By Alan Macleod
Source: The Mint Press