2 February
Clamoring for Israeli Approval: Trump’s Election Promises Will Haunt Him

[Photo: US Embassy in Tel Aviv. By Krokodyl (own picture) [GFDL (CopyLeft) or CC by 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons]
Ramzy Baroud, PhD
Editor's Note
Trump’s hasty, uninformed, and ill considered, moves across the political landscape is possibly even more dangerous outside the United States than it is within it. While he is a “businessman” and not a “politician”, being the President of the United States is a political position involving forces vaster and more complex than any business deal – particularly any that Trump may have experienced. His seeming lack of grasping this difference may cause untold damage, including lighting the fuse on an already explosive situation with Iran and Israel. A fuse he is currently pushing with his threats to Iran as well as his fawning promises to Netanyahu.