8 March 2025

I’m Still Here


By Rowan Wolf

Hi Folks. I’m recovering from having a Level 4 MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus/ an antibiotic resistant) infection of my bloodstream. It apparently started in my right elbow and from there entered my bloodstream. They removed the bursa in my elbow, placed a catheter for IV access in my chest, and have me on 6 weeks of IV Vancomycin. This has slowed me down significantly, as I am right-handed, and strict restrictions on my right elbow have prevented me from doing even simple things.

I have almost 4 more weeks of antibiotic therapy before things start to go back to normal, but I will try to get at least short posts out.

Thanks for hanging in there with Uncommon Thought.


Rowan Wolf, PhD
rowanbeach-thumb-220x328-436I am a sociologist, writer and activist with life long engagement in social justice, peace, environmental, and animal rights movements. My research and writing include issues of imperialism, oppression, global capitalism, peak resources, global warming, and environmental degradation. I taught sociology for twenty-two years, was a member of the City of Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force, and maintain my own site Uncommon Thought Journal. I may be reached by email at [email protected]. On a personal note, I am also a survivor of pulmonary hypertension by the gift of a donor’s lungs in 2011. I do my best to honor that gift by trying to be my best self and give to the world what small gifts I have. Among those is a deep passion for life, and the lives of all those with whom I share the planet.

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28 November 2023

My Dear Other

[Photo: Milky Way galaxy over the Mountain of Nanga Parbat, the hearth of Northern Pakistan. (Pervisha Khan via Wikimedia.)]

By William T. Hathaway

Loving the other through mutualities of hurt,
loving the other without understanding the other,
groping in darkness to find the other,
blundering towards and beyond the other,
fleeing at the sight of the other,
escaping from exile to greet the other,
yearning for and recoiling from the other,
two planets swinging in cross-orbit around the sun of our love,
a sudden glimpse and then gone
but ever returning,
always affirming,
Yes, this is our way,
there can be no other.

William T. Hathaway’s books won him a Rinehart Foundation Award and a Fulbright professorship in creative writing. His peace novel, Summer Snow, is the story of an American warrior falling in love with a Sufi Muslim and learning from her that higher consciousness is more effective than violence.


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27 March 2023

Another Trip Down Medical Lane


By Rowan Wolf

Hi Folks. Sorry for the sudden absence. Thursday afternoon, out of the blue, I was experiencing rigours, a rapidly rising temperature, and intense pain. I headed for the ER where I collapsed going in the door. It became clear that I was in septic shock and the search for the source was on. Finally, they found that I had a bloodstream infection. I spent four days in the hospital and came home last night on oral antibiotics.

So I am home and trying to get my feet back on the ground. I will be getting UncommonThought rolling again. Thank you for your patience and support.

Rowan Wolf, PhD
rowanbeach-thumb-220x328-436I am a sociologist, writer and activist with life long engagement in social justice, peace, environmental, and animal rights movements. My research and writing include issues of imperialism, oppression, global capitalism, peak resources, global warming, and environmental degradation. I taught sociology for twenty-two years, was a member of the City of Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force, and maintain my own site Uncommon Thought Journal. I may be reached by email at [email protected]. On a personal note, I am also a survivor of pulmonary hypertension by the gift of a donor’s lungs in 2011. I do my best to honor that gift by trying to be my best self and give to the world what small gifts I have. Among those is a deep passion for life, and the lives of all those with whom I share the planet.

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18 March 2023

Cochran Reviews a New Release by Gaither Stewart – The Hamlet

By Dom Cochran

Gaither Stewart’s newest novel “The Hamlet: A Tale of Life, Dreams, and Epiphanies“. Now available worldwide through Amazon.

In Gaither Stewart’s novel “The Hamlet” a group of seven persons feels compelled to challenge the covert, self-preserving wrath of a rogue institution and other agencies controlling a fortified facility and underground lab in the hamlet of San Nicola on Rome’s outskirts.

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17 March 2023

The Hamlet By Gaither Stewart – Preface Petar Penda

By Petar Penda

Preface to Gaither Stewart’s newest novel “The Hamlet: A Tale of Life, Dreams, and Epiphanies“. Now available worldwide through Amazon.

In his seminal book of socio-political essays entitled Babylon Falling (Punto Press, 2017), Gaither Stewart, to a certain extent, explains his poetics. In two of his notable essays, “Compromise and Commitment” and in “Transformation” that opens the book, he sees the creative individual’s chief goals to be to change and transform the world, to be committed, and to “reject social conformity and political correctness”. He further explicates the necessity of writers’ engagement by stating that “moral conflicts of the day have a political background and that nearly every aspect of our lives is related to politics. An understanding of politics is fundamental in order to understand what the writer must oppose and what he can defend.” Not only has Stewart such a viewpoint in his essays, but also shows it in his novels through the themes he deals with and by the action of his characters. This emphasizes his point of view that the private life of an individual is inseparable from the political, which is hugely visible in his novel The Hamlet.

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