I’m Still Here

By Rowan Wolf
Hi Folks. I’m recovering from having a Level 4 MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus/ an antibiotic resistant) infection of my bloodstream. It apparently started in my right elbow and from there entered my bloodstream. They removed the bursa in my elbow, placed a catheter for IV access in my chest, and have me on 6 weeks of IV Vancomycin. This has slowed me down significantly, as I am right-handed, and strict restrictions on my right elbow have prevented me from doing even simple things.
I have almost 4 more weeks of antibiotic therapy before things start to go back to normal, but I will try to get at least short posts out.
Thanks for hanging in there with Uncommon Thought.
I am a sociologist, writer and activist with life long engagement in social justice, peace, environmental, and animal rights movements. My research and writing include issues of imperialism, oppression, global capitalism, peak resources, global warming, and environmental degradation. I taught sociology for twenty-two years, was a member of the City of Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force, and maintain my own site Uncommon Thought Journal. I may be reached by email at [email protected]. On a personal note, I am also a survivor of pulmonary hypertension by the gift of a donor’s lungs in 2011. I do my best to honor that gift by trying to be my best self and give to the world what small gifts I have. Among those is a deep passion for life, and the lives of all those with whom I share the planet.