25 July 2024

‘Got Any Tennis Balls?’

[Photo: Magadishu]

By Robert C. Koehler
Source:  CommonWonders

Editor's Note
Are humans inherently violent? I don’t think so, though our history would point to that. I don’t believe that any species is inherently violent, evil, or bad. If that is true, then why would humans be different from all others? I have heard an evolutionary argument that humans are human, and have advanced beyond all others because we have opposable thumbs. Those thumbs have allowed us to do all kinds of amazing things in manipulating the world around us. Might the hubris of those having those thumbs affect our perception of the world and each other? Might we think because we can create marvelous things we can do the same with our own species? Might this be the root of our violent history?

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1 July 2024


[Photo: Night bombing of Gaza. Abed Rahim Khatib – Anadolu Agency via MEM]

By Domenica Bianca

Editor's Note
This poem was written in 2014 by Domenica Bianca during one of the many such attacks on Gaza by Israel over the decades. Ms. Bianca died several years ago, but her voice still speaks meaningfully. She was a friend of another author who sometimes shares her vision here, Elizabeth West.

May the time come when Earth’s children can watch light streak across the sky with wonder rather than fear.

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Category: Gaza, Guest, Israel, Militarism, War and Conflict | Comments Off on GRAVEYARD OF COMETS
9 July 2023

War and Peace: Global Leaders Who Betrayed Humanity

[Photo: by Live Life Happy via Flickr]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Editor's Note
How many times in how many nations must the people fail to get leaders who can balance caring for the people with the realities of survival? It seems that time after time, even when there is a revolution to right the ship, within a short time from months to a couple of years, we are tight back where we started – or worse.

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Category: Activists, International Affairs, Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D., Militarism, Peace | Comments Off on War and Peace: Global Leaders Who Betrayed Humanity
1 June 2023

The G-7, Ukraine-Russia War, and Revisiting Hiroshima and Cruelty of Wars

[Photo: Ruined homes in the U.S. battle in Falluja, Iraq. Christian Peacemaker Teams, Pressenza,]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Editor's Note
War has always been a brutal devastation of life and land. That is what war is and only one earthly species engages in war – humans. Variations on “Truth is the first casualty of war” is attributed to a handful of people, but it appears that Samuel Johnson was the first  as the following quote was found in The Idler of 1748: ‘Among the calamities of war may be jointly numbered the diminution of the love of truth, by the falsehoods which interest dictates and credulity encourages.’ (Guardian) Why lie? Because the people would neither support nor fight in a war for the real purpose – the desires of those with power. All of this is to make note that the people (we, the supposed lessers in the broader scheme of things) know the real costs of war. However, we are lied to because the “leaders”, and those whose interests are served, cannot carry on these atrocities without us because they damn well don’t want to do their own dirty work.

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Category: Environment, Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D., Militarism, Peace, War and Conflict | Comments Off on The G-7, Ukraine-Russia War, and Revisiting Hiroshima and Cruelty of Wars
10 May 2023

Killing Our Way to the Truth

[Photo: Militarism and Fossil Fuels via FEE (Foundation for Economic Education).]

By Robert C. Koehler
Source:  CommonWonders

Editor's Note
War is a deeply embedded construct in U.S. dominant culture. I don’t know when we started doing this, but I can’t remember a time in my life when “war” was not liberally used to the point of being meaningless. We frame sports contests (especially football) as a war – as in “civil war games” across the country. Policies are frequently framed as wars – war on crime, war on poverty, war on drugs. Though for some reason I have never understood, the person who heads up such wars is frequently called a “czar” rather than “General”.

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