[Photo: Gaza woman in the rubble, (Manusco.)]
By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD
The Fallacy of Peace Resolutions and Gaza
The AIPAC glues the US political thinking hubs to Israeli interests, war on Palestine, and military alliance to the unquestioned support of its security operations. The plan imagines the conquest of the Arab world. The dead-conscious oil-exporting Arab leaders and their 75% NGP investments in the US make no difference in politics and practices. President Biden’s Three-phase Peace Proposal is nothing more than an ambiguous paper chase to be reinterpreted for conflicting aims while the IDF continues the war and killing of civilians across Gaza. The US and Israel are powerful entities to dictate to the Arabs and other actors in the war theatre. The Arab-Muslim leaders (if any) are not part of the Peace Proposal but a robotic puzzle on the chessboard to be used by the US administration. Ironically, a blame game assumes the high agenda item as if Israel is serious about ending the war. Not so, PM Netanyahu plans to continue the war and eradicate the Hamas presence across Gaza. The Israeli leaders and media exhibit hatred toward Arabs and Muslims, degradation, and political vices not seen in any other civilized culture. An aerial view of Jerusalem shows overwhelming Islamic architecture and people’s culture in the streets, not the forgotten legend of Jewish culture. Despite public evidence of crimes against humanity and ‘genocide’ in Gaza, Arab Muslims have never expressed any hatred, prejudice, or defamation against Jews or Judaism but respect and honor for the followers of Moses and Torah. This appears in sharp contrast to Netanyahu’s Ultra Nationalist partners calling “Death to Arabs” at the Al-Aqsa Holy compound on Flag Day celebration in East Jerusalem. Netanyahu needs conflict to maintain his premiership. Reportedly last week, more than 120,000 Israeli citizens demanded his resignation, the return of hostages, and peace in Palestine. Truth is One but hourly-paid political mythologists of peace and security would camouflage and reinvent the logic as if truth is a hypothetical construct, not a factual reality. After eight months of the continuing insanity of war, the Biden administration took the initiative for varied reasons to plan a draft resolution of a three-phase peace plan in Gaza.
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