4 November 2024

Don’t Be Fooled By Allegations of Immigrants Illegal Voting

[Graphic: National Archive and Records Administration]

By Rowan Wolf

Trump’s megaphone allegations about voter fraud, voting by immigrants, and Democratic “cheating’ lead you astray. There is no there there. The percentage of immigrants who voted illegally from 2000 forward was 30 about of almost a billion ballots. Even the Heritage Foundation database only had 85 ALLEGATIONS (not proven cases) of this type of fraud. The Trump campaign is filing dozens of voting challenges NOW to prepare foundations for cases they plan to challenge the vote after tomorrow.

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Category: 2024, 2024 Elections, Election Subversion, Rowan Wolf - UTJ Editor, Save Democracy, The Vote, Trump, Voting Rights | Comments Off on Don’t Be Fooled By Allegations of Immigrants Illegal Voting
11 March 2024

Warning: The Great GOP Voter Purge of 2024 Is Underway

[Photo: Voting Rights. Dave WhamondCanada, Political Cartoons.com]

By Thom Hartmann
Source:  CommonDreams

Editor's Note
The Republicans have spent at least 24 years manipulating voter access when the mass purging of Florida voters occurred before the 2000 vote. They even needed the Supreme Court to shut down a recount in Florida thereby selecting George W. Bush as President. SCOTUS stepped in again in 2013 to gut the Voting Rights Act (Shelby v Holder). At this point, there are at least 96 cases across the country aimed at restricting voting in some way. That does not include the efforts to intimidate voters, intimidate poll workers, and move or close polling places.

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8 November 2022

Vote as if your life depends on it. Because it does.

[Photo: Keep the light burning. Statue of Liberty via Caroline Gill]

By Michael Winship
Source:  CommonDreams

Editor's Note
This could be the election that tips us into fascism. Interviews with voters across the country raise a number of critical issues and concerns. And yes there are critical issues that need addressing. But if we lose the democracy, frankly if the Republicans win their effort to suppress and subvert the vote, all else is lost. They are using fear and stoking hate to fuel their quest for power. They have made their “brand” anti-science, anti-freedom, and pro-racism, pro-xenophobia, and pro-misogyny. If they win, we all lose, the nation loses, and frankly, the world loses. The concentration of wealth and exploitation of the people and the Earth accelerates.

If you have voted then encourage others to vote. If you haven’t voted, then vote and encourage others to do so. Not voting is a political statement, but it may be the last such statement you make.

So vote as if your life – and the lives of future generations – depend upon it because it does.

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7 November 2022

This Election Is Critically Important

[Graphic: Future Politics]

By Rowan Wolf

I cannot stress how important it is for people across the United States to vote. Campaigns across the country look to be razor tight and I suspect that we will see more recounts and challenges than ever before, first because of tight races, and second because many Trump supporters believe that an election is only fair if they win. This is critical to examine.

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4 November 2022

If Not Democracy and Voting, What?

Armed protestor at Michigan statehouse

[Photo: Armed protestors in front of Michigan state house, April 2020]

By Rowan Wolf
I won’t take up your time reading anything by me. I just ask that you take about six minutes to listen to this commentary by Rachel Maddow (10/31/2022) – GOP Rejection Of Democracy Leaves Force And Violence As Remaining Governing Option. She puts the obvious question on the table, if we are not ruled by voting then we are ruled by violence. Perhaps we can make a bumper sticker: Vote or violence? This wins my video of the month award.



Rowan Wolf, PhD
rowanbeach-thumb-220x328-436I am a sociologist, writer and activist with life long engagement in social justice, peace, environmental, and animal rights movements. My research and writing include issues of imperialism, oppression, global capitalism, peak resources, global warming, and environmental degradation. I taught sociology for twenty-two years, was a member of the City of Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force, and maintain my own site Uncommon Thought Journal. I may be reached by email at [email protected]. On a personal note, I am also a survivor of pulmonary hypertension by the gift of a donor’s lungs in 2011. I do my best to honor that gift by trying to be my best self and give to the world what small gifts I have. Among those is a deep passion for life, and the lives of all those with whom I share the planet.

Category: Politics, Rowan Wolf - UTJ Editor, The Vote | Comments Off on If Not Democracy and Voting, What?