15 January
Higher Education Must Champion Democracy, Not Surrender to Fascism
[Photo: Empty classroom in Harper Valley HS, West Virginia. (M R, flickr, 5/17/2014)]
By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: Truthout
Editor's Note
If you destroy faith in education and assign it only to “elites” then it becomes an object of scorn or worse, must be destroyed. The destruction of public education has been an action plan of the Republicans for decades as they have moved further and further to the right. From desegregation and white flight to magnet schools to starving schools of funding to the latest attacks to ban books and gag teachers, the plan to eliminate public education has been relentless … and effective. Problematically, it also moves us closer to being a nation where the wealthy rule over a population stripped of the intellectual tools and skills to push back.