12 December 2024

Neoliberalism’s Plague: The Erosion of Conscience in Education

[Graphic: Via Vivre Livres!]

By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: LA Progressive

Editor's Note
Over the course of my lifetime, or more specifically my social and political consciousness, I have watched to the persistent effort to de-democratize my country – the United States. Millions of people before me and along with me have pressed to expand civil and social rights and social justice. I know that I stand off the shoulders of those who fought and died to give me the rights and recognition I have. While we are still far short of equality, that effort continues. On the other hand, I have watched persistent efforts to march in the opposite direction – the direction of the concentration of wealth, restrictions of rights, the destruction of institutions, and the social contract.

Social Contract
an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, for example by sacrificing some individual freedom for state protection. Theories of a social contract became popular in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries among theorists such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, as a means of explaining the origin of government and the obligations of subjects.
Ecosia, Oxford Languages

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8 November 2024

America’s Descent Into Fascism Can Be Stopped

[Graphic: Trump Troops by Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune, UT (Reprinted with Permission)]

By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: Counterpunch

Editor's Note
In this critical article, Dr. Giroux does a deep analysis and while I would love to write a fully integrated introduction to this work, that is not possible at this time. So I will confine myself to two key areas: the issue of the working class, and some commentary on the Powell Memorandum that Dr. Giroux includes in his analysis.

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Category: Activists, Autocracy, Education, Hegemony, Henry A. Giroux, Ideology, Mythology, Neoliberalism, Pull Right - Fascism, Trump | Comments Off on America’s Descent Into Fascism Can Be Stopped
18 March 2023

Historical amnesia in the age of capitalist apocalypse — and how to overcome it

[Photo: March for Our Lives action in Boston, Massachusetts 2018. (Flickr/AnubisAbyss)]

By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: Salon

Editor's Note
If there is pressure to create historical amnesia, particularly aimed against specific groups, and there is active silencing of those groups, and there is a denial or restriction of citizen rights to those same groups, and then there is systemic violence as well as hate violence encouraged against those same groups, there is a word for that – genocide. I believe it is critical to understand the breadth of what the new right is enacting at this point in time. It is a broad-scale erasure including language, history, education, media, and people. In short, this is a genocidal movement. The International Criminal Court (ICC) includes cultural genocide as intertwined with the crime of genocide. The US is not a signatory to the Rome Statutes of the ICC, and has been non-ratified since 2000. It is a signatory to the UN Genocide Convention, but cultural genocide was negotiated out of that agreement.

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5 August 2022

The Clash of Leadership, Global Peace and Humanity at Crossroads

[Graphic: Ryan Smithright, flickr]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

Editor's Note
What does “World War” mean, and is Dr. Mahboob correct in saying that the Russian war in Ukraine is at (or near) that scale? I would argue that the answer is ‘yes’. Not only that, it is very dangerous for people to think of this as a local conflict (and therefore “contained”).

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Category: Autocracy, Globalization - Corporatization, Ideology, Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D., Neoliberalism, Peace, Russia, Ukraine, War and Conflict | Comments Off on The Clash of Leadership, Global Peace and Humanity at Crossroads