15 December 2024

A Manifesto Against For-Profit Health Insurance Companies — by Michael Moore

[Photo: Sicko poster via wikipedia]

By Michael Moore
Source:  Newsletter

Editor's Note
As I used to tell my students, the answer to a problem lies in how you frame the problem. Michel Moore demonstrates this beautifully in this discussion of the healthcare system and the recent assassination of the CEO of United Health. We are programmed and reprogrammed to blame certain people for problems and/or certain people as problems. This programming is reinforced with each tragedy, and anyone in the mainstream media (or their pundits) rarely breaks from the approved script. This is true again with trying to figure out why Mangione (an unlikely terrorist by all accounts) committed this horrendous act.

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19 May 2024

11,000% Return: Trump’s $1 Billion Offer Could Yield $110 Billion Windfall for Big Oil

[Photo: Texas oil field courtesy Roughly Daily.]

By Jon Queally
Source:  CommonDreams

Editor's Note
Trump’s “barter” with big oil: Give me $1 billion for my campaign and I will deregulate and give you (more) tax breaks. The estimated return to big oil would be roughly $110 Billion. Is this even legal?

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Category: 2024, Corporate - Corporatization, Corruption, fossil fuels, Guest, Trump | Comments Off on 11,000% Return: Trump’s $1 Billion Offer Could Yield $110 Billion Windfall for Big Oil
4 September 2023

Project 2025: A 5-Alarm Fire Bell for Our Republic


[Photo: ‘If U.S. Land was Divided Like U.S. Wealth” by Randy Coffey.]

By Thom Hartmann
Source:  CommonDreams

Editor's Note
We are on the downhill slide into a fascist oligarchy controlled by the wealthiest at the expense of people, nation, world, and planet. In the following article, Thom Hartmann does an exceptional job presenting the political-historical context for Project 2025 – the right-wing think tank Heritage Fund’s new plan to fully control the levers of power in the United States. Or in their own words:

It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration. 

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Category: Corporate - Corporatization, Corruption, Guest, Hegemony, History and Patterns, The .01% | Comments Off on Project 2025: A 5-Alarm Fire Bell for Our Republic
6 August 2023

Pakistan Striving for Its Soul

[Photo: Corrupt Leadership: Nawaz Sharif, Benazir Bhutto, Pervez Musharraf. (Composite from various sources – click links)]

By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD

The Arrest of Imran Khan Signals A Corrupt Authoritarian Order

The illegitimate Sharif government makes a final stab into the body politics of Pakistan. Vengefully indoctrinated and politically paranoid and fearful thugs and indicted criminals trying to ditch Imran Khan into the unknown. Once again, his arrest was made like a military action against a former PM. They allege he bought foreign gifts while a PM and was sentenced by a court to three years in jail. Imran Khan was hurriedly arrested without a warrant and taken to Islamabad by road. Khan claims about 100 illegal politically geared cases against him to deprive him of a political comeback. It is well known that the Sharif brothers, Bhuttos and Zardari have bought and sold foreign official gifts several times but have not been held accountable. Why should Khan be made a scapegoat? The elections are speculated to be called soon and they know well that given a fair national election chance, Imran Khan will return with a majority into the National Assembly and form the next democratic government. The ruling criminals do not believe in people’s basic rights to decide their political future. Their plans could well be defined as pure evil against the national interest of Pakistan and its masses and could lead to the realization of pure evil to stop Khan no matter how and by what political encroachments. A few of the Pakistani Generals are accomplices to this plan. They appear to have an unrestrained mental sickness to view Khan as a threat to their survival and want to eliminate him permanently. The arrest of Imran Khan will cause serious challenges from the masses as it was unwarranted and the result of personal political animosities. These Generals view the Pakistani masses as uncivilized and the new generation of educated and intelligent Pakistanis as a challenge to their authoritarianism and could drive the country closer to self-annihilation.

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17 May 2023

Senator Whitehouse: 275 of 315 Pages of GOP Debt Limit Bill Are Big Oil FavorsThis is so

By Sharon Zhang
Source:  Truthout

Editor's Note
This policy offering by the Republicans is so wrong that it is hard to know where to start. First, we are facing an existential crisis with global warming, but underneath that is another one that folks seem to have put on the shelf – peak fossil fuels. I know we are drilling like crazy, but most of the oil today is cruder than before we hit the bottom of the barrel, and this lower grade of crude is harder and more expensive to process. It is not a coincidence that fracking has become such a big deal, and natural gas is being pushed globally as a “clean” replacement. The reality is that we are literally burning through fossil fuels at a prodigious rate. According to ZME Science,

At the current rates of production, oil will run out in 53 years, natural gas in 54 years, and coal in 110 years, according to estimates from the 2015 World Energy Outlook study by the International Energy Agency. This forecast is predicated on the assumption that fossil fuels will constitute 59% of the total primary energy demand in 2040, even despite aggressive climate action policies.

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