A Manifesto Against For-Profit Health Insurance Companies — by Michael Moore

[Photo: Sicko poster via wikipedia]
By Michael Moore
Source: Newsletter
[Photo: Sicko poster via wikipedia]
By Michael Moore
Source: Newsletter
[Photo: Texas oil field courtesy Roughly Daily.]
By Jon Queally
Source: CommonDreams
[Photo: ‘If U.S. Land was Divided Like U.S. Wealth” by Randy Coffey.]
By Thom Hartmann
Source: CommonDreams
It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration.
[Photo: Corrupt Leadership: Nawaz Sharif, Benazir Bhutto, Pervez Musharraf. (Composite from various sources – click links)]
By Mahboob Khawaja, PhD
The illegitimate Sharif government makes a final stab into the body politics of Pakistan. Vengefully indoctrinated and politically paranoid and fearful thugs and indicted criminals trying to ditch Imran Khan into the unknown. Once again, his arrest was made like a military action against a former PM. They allege he bought foreign gifts while a PM and was sentenced by a court to three years in jail. Imran Khan was hurriedly arrested without a warrant and taken to Islamabad by road. Khan claims about 100 illegal politically geared cases against him to deprive him of a political comeback. It is well known that the Sharif brothers, Bhuttos and Zardari have bought and sold foreign official gifts several times but have not been held accountable. Why should Khan be made a scapegoat? The elections are speculated to be called soon and they know well that given a fair national election chance, Imran Khan will return with a majority into the National Assembly and form the next democratic government. The ruling criminals do not believe in people’s basic rights to decide their political future. Their plans could well be defined as pure evil against the national interest of Pakistan and its masses and could lead to the realization of pure evil to stop Khan no matter how and by what political encroachments. A few of the Pakistani Generals are accomplices to this plan. They appear to have an unrestrained mental sickness to view Khan as a threat to their survival and want to eliminate him permanently. The arrest of Imran Khan will cause serious challenges from the masses as it was unwarranted and the result of personal political animosities. These Generals view the Pakistani masses as uncivilized and the new generation of educated and intelligent Pakistanis as a challenge to their authoritarianism and could drive the country closer to self-annihilation.
By Sharon Zhang
Source: Truthout
At the current rates of production, oil will run out in 53 years, natural gas in 54 years, and coal in 110 years, according to estimates from the 2015 World Energy Outlook study by the International Energy Agency. This forecast is predicated on the assumption that fossil fuels will constitute 59% of the total primary energy demand in 2040, even despite aggressive climate action policies.