3 January 2024

Which Way America? It Is Up To Us!

Trump Big Brother

[Photo: Trump Stop the Steal Jan 6, 2021 by WSWS]

By Rowan Wolf

Welcome to 2024 and the beginning of the next stage of the struggle for the future of our nation and the world. The U.S. is rapidly sliding down the slope into fascism. Trump, and the coordinators of his next presidency, are not being shy about their plans. Trump makes it clear with his rants at rallies, and his accomplices are quite open about what America will look like with another Trump presidency – a dictatorship with a crony government, the DoJ restructured to rout out anyone Trump deems threatening, the construction of concentration camps for those deemed anti-American / anti-Trump (Democrats, people of color, LGBTQ, etc) and the expulsion or execution of non-white immigrants. The Constitution will be thrown out, massive bans on books and rewriting of curriculum, a total ban on abortion, and the removal of licenses for any media that does not support Trump and the MAGA agenda. The Republican party has already given their power to Trump and most refuse to speak against him or this plan at recrafting the government.

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Category: Activists, dark money, Democracy, Politics, Pull Right - Fascism, Rowan Wolf - UTJ Editor, Save Democracy | Comments Off on Which Way America? It Is Up To Us!
25 October 2023

Heads Up! Cat 5 Hurricane Struck Acapulco

[Photo: Damage from Hurricane Andrew, Homestead, Florida 1992. (From the FEMA photo library via wikipedia).]

By Rowan Wolf

Last night a storm off the coast of Acapulco, Mexico went from a tropical storm (Otis) to a Category 5 hurricane with winds of 165mph plus. This has almost certainly caused massive damage to a population of over 1 million people. There have been no reports out of Acapulco since the height of the storm which almost certainly has taken out most infrastructure including WiFi services. Some news forecasters are calling for sending ships with aid to the region immediately as this category of storm leaves catastrophic damage and loss of life. Bill Karrins referenced Hurricane Andrew (1992) as an example of the damage a Cat 5 hurricane creates.

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17 October 2023

Humanitarian Aid For Gaza and Israel

[Photo: Screenshot from MSNBC 10/16/2023 of northern Gaza neighborhood bombed by Israel.]

By Rowan Wolf

The need for humanitarian aid is blatantly obvious in Gaza where hundreds of thousands have already been displaced by the conflict between Hamas and Israel. However, over ten thousand have been displaced in Israel. Gazans, in particular, are in desperate need. My intent is to provide information on reliable groups providing needed assistance.

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13 October 2023

Another War Against Terrorists

Israel and disputed territories

[Map: UN Map]

By Rowan Wolf

Let me start with the caveat that I am not an authority on Israel, or Palestine, or the Middle East. I am a researcher and a concerned citizen. I make an effort to make sense of the world with as little rhetoric as possible, but I do have my biases. One major bias is that I stand strongly for radical equality. To me, that means I believe all of us, including the Earth herself, demand equal consideration and voice. Given the embedded inequalities of my society and many others, this is a significant bias on my part. With that in mind, this essay represents my effort to find some clarity in the current conflict between Israel and Hamas.

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Category: Iran, Israel, Palestine, Rights, Rowan Wolf - UTJ Editor, Silencing & Repression, U.S. | Comments Off on Another War Against Terrorists
3 October 2023

We Face An Existential Threat – The Murder of Our Democracy

Love your neighbor

[Photo: March supporting immigrants, January 2018, Minneapolis, MN, Fibonacci Blue.]

By Rowan Wolf

Folks, we need to get people to wake up. While we once more head for another presidential election, our democracy is being chewed up and spit out by a cohort of people who want to control the full power and wealth of the United States. They have been working on this for decades; formally implementing their plans with the Reagan administration, and now they see their goal on the near horizon.

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