11 July 2022

Must collapse be inevitable? Imagining a “half-Earth” sustainable economy

Rya Forest rewilding

[Photo: Rya Forest (highlighted in bright green) in Gothenberg, Sweden. (Björn Billing, “Rya Forest Nature Reserve: A Case of Preservation, Conflicts, and Unwanted Rewilding.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia (Spring 2020), no. 6. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. ]

Pete Dolack
Source: Systemic Disorder

Editor's Note
More than a decade ago I read a report addressing global warming and the CO2 cuts recommended would have required us stopping all industrial activity. I knew then that we were in major trouble and the discussions I was hearing would not even come close to what was needed. Since that time, each IPCC report has been worse as we learn more about reinforcing loops and the mechanisms of climate.
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