20 September 2019

Joe Biden’s Answer to Slavery’s Legacy: Phonographs for the Poor

[Photo: Joe Biden, LBJ Library photo by Jay Godwin (10/03/17)]

By Paul Street
Source:  Counterpunch

Editor's Note
There were disturbing moments in the Democratic Presidential Debate on September 12, 2019, as extended debate over the fine points of universal health care policy (and how to get there) rolled up and down the line, and somehow important issues like women’s health care never even rose as an issue. However, for many, Joe Biden’s rambling, stream of memory, response to moderator Linsey Davis’ question regarding slavery and its continuing impacts in our society, was more than troubling. What came to the surface then, and I feel is critical to address, it racism as it expresses itself in the United States generally, and in this political environment particularly.

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8 April 2019

Identity Rules: A Report from Reddening Chicago

America for Sale

[Photo: “America for Sale”, Dave Granlund, Minnesota).]

By Paul Street
Source:  Counterpunch

Editor's Note
There are certain code phrases that automatically send my blood pressure soaring. One of those is “identity politics”; others include “reverse” discrimination and “political correctness”. ALL of these embed white and male privilege as they assume that White and Male “identities” are the norm, the accepted baseline. The variations on this theme are as ever-present as the dust in the air that we never see until the light is just right. Then we stare in horror that we are breathing all that – forget all the stuff that you can’t see with the naked eye.

Unless otherwise specified, “identity” references are generally reserved to identify those of other racial, ethnic, sexual, and religious groups than White, male, heterosexual, Christians. It is assumed that people of these “questionable” identities will only represent their own group and not “everybody”. Only White Christians (preferably male) can be counted on to fairly represent “everybody” in an “unbiased” way.

In the following article, Paul Street uses identity issues in a complex of ways. First is the assumption by voters that newly elected Black lesbian Chicago Mayor, Lori Lightfoot, is a political (and social) outsider who will wreck the political machine and bring the interests of the people to the fore. Street’s argument is that Lightfoot is far from being the outsider, and will effectively continue following the neoliberal agenda and corruption that has been a hallmark of the political infrastructure of Chicago (and Illinois). This argument seems to be based on Lightfoot’s legal career, but also on her class interests which Street believe aligns with the monied class.

One of the interesting things about Lightfoot’s experience as outlined by Street is that it is remarkably similar to that of Kamala Harris (Democratic California Senator and Presidential candidate). While holding different positions, both Lightfoot and Harris have a history of being “pro justice” and representing perceived racist offenders, or perpetuating racism within the criminal justice system . A similar “class” argument could also be made for both, and certainly the assumption of “identity politics” is thrown at both of them.

As a sociologist I well understand the importance of “identity” and how it is formed. While it is obviously individual, it is virtually inseparable from the collective process of the society and its structures and biases. Characteristics totally beyond our control have strong social meaning that physically, socially, and psychologically place us and shape appropriate paths, patterns, and agency. People who share these socially significant characteristics also largely share the socially structured environments and rules. While these things may shape identity, they can also shape our sensitivity to the broader world and people’s situations. This is particularly true if one falls outside the privileged normative group with the invisible identity that supposedly subsumes “everyone”.

Whether Street’s analysis that Lightfoot’s success in the legal field and her (assumed) resulting class affinity will override her (perceived) outsider status remains to be seen. However, it is very likely that the power of the situation – the embedded political and business structure –  will not be shifted far or fast without broad and persistent effort by any one person.

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23 July 2018

No Liberal Rallies Yet for the Children of Yemen

Yemeni child

[Photo: Felton Davis | CC BY 2.0]

By Paul Street
Source:  CounterPunch

Editor's Note
I am glad that people have hit the streets for the children and families being abused at our southern border, but the continued lack of response to the devastatingly real effects of US military actions (and the actions of those we provision and support) goes on largely invisible and unchallenged. One must at least as the question as to why Yemen might as well be in another universe given the coverage it has received. Similarly, US engagement in Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan go unremarked. My only disagreement with Mr. Street is the singling out of ‘Liberals”, though I too have an expectation of a wider understanding of global affairs. The war in Yemen is no “civil” war. It is a proxy war and the people of Yemen are dying. There is no humanitarian response to address either those displaced by the fighting, nor for the regional famine that has eliminated any possibility for Yemeni’s to address their own crisis.

displaced Yemenis
Displaced Yemenis – Felton Davis (2018)

Even before the uprising in 2011, Yemen was one of the poorest countries in the Middle East. Turning it into a proxy war between Saudi Arabia (with active support of the U.S.) and Iran has literally left the people of Yemen dying in the dust.

Additional reporting – Yemen Crisis – Who is Fighting Whom? (BBC Jan 30, 2018)


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4 March 2018

Someone Tell a Reporter: the Rich are Destroying the Earth

By Paul Street
Source: CounterPunch

Editor's Note
We face many critical problems as a nation and a world. Unfortunately, my nation – the United States – has its fingers in most of the “messes” in the world. While I bring many of these problems to the readers of UncommonThought on a regular basis the one that is most critical of all is the destruction of our planet. The most dire cause is global warming. Not to state the obvious, but if we kill the planet we also kill ourselves. I long had hopes that because of the scale of this particular threat that the world would readily join together to address it. My hope included that in coming together to face this crisis that we would learn we have common dreams and needs and that if we can work together on this threat to the world, other problems would fade or be resolved. However, dealing with the critical issue of killing the planet has been blocked repeatedly with a tenacity even more obvious and idiotic that the NRA (and the gun manufacturers it represents) regarding gun legislation. Stated another way, there is BIG MONEY behind the murder of the Earth.

Do the .01% and their servants have an escape plan? Surely they must. They cannot be so stupid as to think they are immune to the consequences of killing the only habitable planet that we know of. Perhaps there is another of which we are unaware? Is Elon Musk’s efforts at creating a private space travel altruistic or self serving? Surely there will be more money and wealth than is imaginable in selling seats off of a dying planet. I agree with Mr. Street that the wealthiest hands are filthy with the devastation – all of the devastation. However, the most guilty hold their citizenship in the United States, and their planet-spanning corporations and “interests” are largely centered from the U.S. This means that the primary responsibility for changing what is happening, for saving the planet, requires that the people of the United States wake up and take control. That “we the people” need to divest the power, wealth, and stranglehold of the “rich” in our own homeland or “we the people” will also bear the responsibility of killing the only home we have.

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13 December 2017

The Burning Earth Bears Witness

Burning earth, global warming

By Paul Street
Source:  Counterpunch

Editor's Note
When does “normalization” become “lying”, “prevarication”, or even “cover-up” or “propaganda”? I remember so well watching the NBC evening news in 2012 as “Super Storm” Sandy began pounding the east coast and news anchor, Brian Williams, asked if this was going to be our “new normal”. After doing a segment where global warming was actually linked to current climate disaster, Williams announced that events like super storm Sandy could be the “new normal”. Williams got all kinds of praise (and criticism) over the report, but once again the biggest story of our times largely sank below the surface. We went from relative (news) media silence, to acknowledgement, to “just the weather, folks” in roughly a day. That is “normalization.” It was surely one of the biggest consciousness erasers that I had seen to that point and as a single moment it sticks in my memory like an old injury – acquiring scar tissue and tugging every time I move the wrong way. Now we watch California burning Part II, and other than acknowledging there has been a drought (forget the epic nature of that drought) not one word about climate has been uttered by any of the corporate media to my knowledge. This along with at least a dozen other climate related stories slide silently by – including the failing Christmas tree industry that is in crisis because of 1) lack of seedlings, and 2) harsh summers killing young trees. Paul Street’s commentary is both timely and spot on.

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