The Underworld of Banksters
[Photo: Bankster Get Out of Jail Free card (Mike Licht).]
By Gary Brumback, PhD
[Photo: Bankster Get Out of Jail Free card (Mike Licht).]
By Gary Brumback, PhD
[Graphic: Commercialization infographic from]
By Gary Brumback, PhD
[Graphic: “Federal Budget Showdown”. RJ Matson, Roll Call. 194880)]
By Gary Brumback, PhD
There has always been a huge logical failure in the assumption that war is good for the economy, but that assumption has become increasingly off the mark in a globalized economy. While war “stimulated” the economy in the past, it did so through deficit spending (stealing from the future). At that time (basically WWI through Vietnam) the government was borrowing from itself and the money went into US military manufacturers and contractors. With the advent of contemporary globalization the bulk of military jobs and production were offshored – just like the rest of US manufacturing – and the money borrowed has also largely been offshored (primarily loans from China and Japan). Therefore, and economic stimulation from war footing is muted at best and definitely worsens the financial stability of the country while filling the coffers of the extremely wealthy. Moving to a peace orientation is critical to our financial survival, and as Dr. Brumback notes, activists must understand the war complex in order to make substantive change.
[Photo: Leaning Tower of Pisa kick down by Ravindra Gandhi.]
By Gary Brumback, PhD
[Photo: Corporate greed. Cartoon found at Jesse’s Cafe Americain]
By Gary Brumback, PhD