19 March 2023

On Human Nature: Thinking, Believing, and Seeing

[Photo: The Sands of Time, Forestina-Fotos, 2013, Deviant Art.]

By Gary Brumback, PhD

Editor's Note
“Believing is seeing” is a critical perceptual issue especially when you only believe what you want to believe. In discussing many critical issues of our time with students, I used to ask them what they thought it would take for people to finally respond to critical threats. Hands down, the most common answer was “When it affects them personally.” And there’s the rub because the most common information sources often attribute problems to something else, or don’t acknowledge there is a problem. For example, fossil fuel companies paying scientists to throw doubt on global warming, and since they were major funders of “news”, the corporate media consistently portrayed the handful of hacks as an equal voice to the overwhelming consensus of climate scientists.

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10 February 2022

911 Revisited and Two Bizarre Encounters

Lady Liberty and smoke from the World Trade Center 9/11

[Photo: Lady Liberty and smoke from the World Trade Center 9/11]

By Gary Brumback, PhD


Editor's Note
It may be 100 years before we know the truths of the events of September 11, 2001. Despite the thousands of times, the attacks have been shown on TV, it seems we have learned little – especially how much we have lost. Given the tenor of our times as we stand on the crumbling foundations of democracy looking back to 9/11 is appropriate. 

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14 November 2019

War: Ruination and Rumination

welcome to the nuclear war age

[Photo: Ushering another generation into war. Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay]

By Gary Brumback, PhD

Editor's Note
War and the United States is both simple and complex. There is little argument about the reality of the military-industrial complex which some expand to the military-congressional-industrial complex. However, the military includes the governmental apparatus, and what fades into invisibility is big finance. The invisibility of big finance, institutionalized capitalism and its deep pocket beneficiaries, is actually the key to the seeming inevitability of war. Discussing the multiple tendrils and enduring nature of war without discussing the actual beneficiaries gets us about as far as trying to discuss race without addressing whiteness. In the monograph below, Gary Brumback utilizes the concept of the corpocracy. I would like to clearly state that corporations are simply the legal proxies of the economic elite (who I frequently refer to as the “rogue elite”), acting as a mechanism of ownership and profit as well as a legal buffer for accountability.

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21 January 2019

America’s Power Elite and their False Facts

power elite

[Image by: Swatchzwc]

By Gary Brumback, PhD

Editor's Note
I think that Gary Brumback expresses the frustration that many of us feel about the long slumber of the people of the United States. Lies and propaganda have been a feature of life and history here for probably as long as we have been a country. We have long been a nation at war, and that has a corrupting influence as we well know. This has been particularly true since the creation of the military-industrial complex, but let us focus on war and truth for a moment.

  • “Among the calamities of war may be jointly numbered the diminution of the love of truth, by the falsehoods which interest dictates and credulity encourages.” (from Samuel Johnson, The Idler, 1758)
  • “The first casualty when war comes is truth”. (Credited to Senator Hiram W. Johnson, 1917)
  • “There never was a good war or a bad peace.” (Benjamin Franklin, 1783 in letters to both Sir Joseph Banks and Quincy, Sr.)

At the very least, we could argue that a nation pertetually at war is also perpetually spreading falsehood to either legitimate those conflicts, or to hide them from public view. Unfortunately, war is not the only source of “storytelling”, the making of certain myths (and the institutionalization and enforcement of same) provides the primary mechanism to keep people in their place and playing their appointed roles. It seems that there is a great resistance by many to acknowledging hard truths that would likely demand action. For example, why are people rolling along eschewing unions or other challenges to ownership power, while wages have been stagnant for almost 50 years, and benefits have eroded to virtually nothing? Clearly it takes a lot of ongoing, multi-source convincing to keep people working like drones in the hive.

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12 June 2018

Economic Sanity and Alternative Economic Systems-Last of the Series: Part 10

prosperity based on commerce and the gold standard.

[Photo: McKinley campaign poster.]

By Gary Brumback, PhD

Editor's Note
I appreciate Gary Brumback’s effort to elucidate a transformation for capitalism from monopoly capitalism to “peoples’ capitalism. As I disagree that one can create a people and environment friendly capitalism, I am one of those who Dr. Brumback sets aside with: “…there are probably millions of people, especially socialists, who insist there is no good capitalism. Well, they can believe whatever they want to believe.” Well, I “believe” that the definition of capitalism points clearly to private ownership and the accumulation of profit (aka “capital”). If that is the “lodestar of capitalism”, then a government needs to protect both ownership and profits. In doing so it is virtually inevitable to end up with concentration of wealth.

It is concerning to this “believer” that Dr. Brumback is willing to accept capitalism not only as an economic system, but to extend it to a polity (political system). In doing so, capitalism is reified, and we end up right back to at best a plutocracy. He attempts to step the power of capitalism down from an economic elite to what he apparently assumes is the average citizen by explicitly placing middle class representation and voice on his “Chamber of Democracy.” The exclusion of the voice of those outside of the capitalist system, or victims of it, are the poor and others chosen for exclusion for whatever reason. Given the amount of thought and effort that went into this ten part series, one can hardly believe this is an oversight. We can certainly argue that we can decrease the inequality, rebuild and expand the safety net, and control the avarice and power of the corporate and financial elite. However, this requires constant vigilance and a restructuring of law. In effect, one ends up with a European type model of what we might call social capitalism -if not socialism. In other words a governing system that protects the public good and ensures the safety net keeps all people in the realm of health and opportunity.

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