5 September 2020

Coyoacán – Place of Coyotes (Lost Importance)

Mists of Time

[Photo: “Mists of Time”, Rod Trevaskus, Geographic UK]

Gaither Stewart

Editor's Note
Do we live in a universe of mirrors? Can we see a person in a town? A town in a country? A country in the world? And, of course, the reverse? And when we see a broken man or woman, do we also see a broken country in a broken world all in need of a ten-step plan to get back to solid ground and a reconfigured sense of identity?

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25 August 2020

The Question of Man’s Freedom

portrait of old mad with magnifying glass

Gaither Stewart

Editor's Note
Given the ascendency of white evangelical Christianity in the legitimating and leveraging of the financial elite, it is an opportune time to raise the thorny question of God, religion, the church and men’s (sic) freedom. We have returned to a Christianity closer to Dostoevsky’s time both socially and religiously, but at the same time, it is radically different. For Christianity or at least a highly visible and vocal piece of it, has clasped predatory capitalism to its breast.

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10 August 2020

Remembrances and Confessions

Sorting through old photos

[Photo: Michal Jarmoluk on Pixnio]
Gaither Stewart

Editor's Note
I live in a society that largely eschews the past (history) except for those parts that might be used to aggrandize a given party or position. When it is dropped onto the stage, all too frequently it is out of context and twisted beyond recognition. Sadly, far too many know so little that claims of historical connection are sufficient proof for believers. Is it then surprising that individuals too frequently treat their own past with equal disrespect? Or is this just a baked-in feature of human memory?

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22 July 2020

Harriet, Harriet

Man in dense fog

[Photo: “The Soul Becomes Dyed With The Colour Of Its Thoughts” (Michelle Robinson, 2014)]

Gaither Stewart

Editor's Note
Gaither Stewart launches into a psychological and philosophical examination of love, lust and the search for the soul in this twisting short story. In reading it, the term “crosscurrent” came to mind as both the story and the struggle presented flows below the level of Karl, who fancies himself a Casanova and scholar and is reflected in the rising chaos of a daredevil femme fatale.

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9 July 2020

Aspects of Russian Communism and Why Communism in the West Would Be Different

Soviet Union hammer and sickle

Gaither Stewart

Editor's Note
Running into the 2020 presidential campaign, I suspect we are going to be hearing “communist”, “socialist”, and “democrat (sic) socialist” a lot. Most Americans wrongly believe that all of these labels are synonymous. Below is a very simplistic depiction of these ways of organizing the economy of a society.

Communism A social and political system where property and resources are collectively owned and controlled and wealth is equally distributed across the society
Socialism A political and economic system where the state controls the economy from production through distribution
Capitalism An economic system where the means of production, property, and wealth is privately held.
Democratic Socialism A political and economic system where key areas of the economy are state-controlled, but private property and wealth still exist.

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