18 November 2024

So the election happened…


[Photo: Evolution … Devolution]

By Elizabeth Anker
Source:  By My Solitary Hearth

Editor's Note
I love the writing of Elizabeth Anker. She writes with a pull-no-punches honesty that keeps heart and a connection to the Earth. That is the case as she puts our fall into fascism in its appropriate place – as part of our broader system failures. And here is where the hard truth bites. It is ourselves to blame for the disaster.

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Category: 2024 Elections, Climate Chaos, Culture, Elizabeth Anker, Institutions, Pull Right - Fascism, Resources | Comments Off on So the election happened…
27 October 2023

A Happy Mistake

[Photo: Fall Colors Reflections. Gabe Popa, Flickr, 2015.]

By Elizabeth Anker
Source: By My Solitary Hearth

Editor's Note
I don’t know about you, but I feel totally stressed and overwhelmed. So many tragedies around us, and the level of hatred and violence that is being treated as normal and expected is just … wrong. It all makes me hurt and I have a desire to withdraw. I have talked to many folks who are doing just that, and that is more than disturbing. As we disengage, we are numbing ourselves and stepping back from life. I don’t believe that this is good for us as individuals nor as a nation.

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Category: Elizabeth Anker, Peace | Comments Off on A Happy Mistake
20 September 2022

Human Nature

[Photo: “Ape Contemplates Man. Darwin’s Ape?” From a post at Philosophical Disquisition by John Danaher.]

By Elizabeth Anker
Source:  By My Solitary Hearth

Editor's Note
When I hear our problems explained away by claims of “human nature” I have to take a deep breath and count to 10 or 20. I’m with Elizabeth Anker on this. In the interest of transparency, I am trained as a sociologist so I am not exactly unbiased in this matter. However, that training is supplemented by some exposure to different cultures that have left me questioning the depth of our “nature”. While I don’t believe that we are blank slates, I am pretty sure that we are very pliable. For example, while all humans may share certain basic emotions, what triggers them, how we interpret them, and how we respond to them (and most importantly) respond to them in others, all  vary by our cultural socialization.

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15 July 2022


California - Future Hellscape, cartoon

[Graphic: Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News, NY]

By Elizabeth Anker
Source:  By My Solitary Hearth

Editor's Note
Call it “dark humor” or “writing with teeth”, this essay by Elizabeth Anker (AKA Eliza Daley), had  me from the first paragraph. Anyone who has been here at UncommonThought for a while knows my love of language. And like Henry A. Giroux, I believe that language is critical to agency, and to taking our power back. This piece has numerous examples of this – just one of which is reclaiming “normal” from its politicized painting over of reality.

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Category: Capitalism, Classism, Elizabeth Anker, fossil fuels, Neoliberalism, The .01% | Comments Off on Overlorded…