2 February 2018

Future Societies in Fiction

Ursala Le Guin

[Photo: Ursala Le Guin by Hulyo Ng, 2004).]

By Pete Dolack
Source:  Systemic Disorder

Editor's Note
Science Fiction and “sword and sorcery” have been a life line for me since early in my reading adventures. I still remember the first science fiction book that I read – The Zero Stone by Andre Norton. Obviously it made a big impression as I remember it more than 50 years later, and it started a life long love affair with the works of Norton and with the genre in general. These two genres do something that most others do not. They create worlds and customs and then play them out in the lives and experiences of their characters. More often than not they are also exploring certain social problems and how they might be addressed. I am certain that this focus on societal problems and creating societies that address them in different ways is the same thing that drew me into both social movements and sociology. The authors that stimulated so much thought and fueled my dreams of the possibility of a better world are now passing one by one. As each leaves the planet, I feel a deep sense of loss and also gratitude. These creative and committed people have touched more lives, and shaped more ideas, awakened more possibilities than we will even know.

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29 May 2017

Commons Transition and Peer 2 Peer (P2P)

Earth multiple hands

[Photo: courtesy Mocha Manual.]

By Transnational Institute

Editor's Note
It is Memorial Day, when our thoughts turn towards those soldiers lost in wars – wars, we are told, ensuring our freedom and rights. Even a cursory examination of the various military engagements of the U.S. military will give one pause. However, I am pretty sure that most of those who have served, life lost or not, felt at some [point that they were protecting something, fighting for something noble. I suspect that most of them did not proudly and knowingly fight for a corptocracy. Rater, I imagine they fought for the continuation of life, for smiles and love, for connection and community. In other words, for the commons. Therefore, in this time of seeming insanity, polarization, war and terrible crimes against humanity and the other, I offer one plan to save the commons … our earth … and the life of creatures great and small. I hope it stirs some thoughts and hope. Thanks to the folks at Transnational Institute for their hard work.

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21 December 2016

Field Guide to Effective Resistance via Congressional Action

[Photo: Hundreds voiced their resistance to the Electoral College voters inside the Michigan capital on 12/19/2016. Credit: Susan El Khoury.]

By Rowan Wolf


[dropcap]A[/dropcap] group of former Congressional staffers have put together a “field guide” to resistance title “Indivisible“. This is a guide to effective practices for getting (and holding) the ear of congresspeople. It is clear at this point in time, that it is unlikely that the Congress –particularly the Republicans, but they are not alone– are not going to act as a check and balance to the Trump administration. FURTHER, the Republicans have their own Koch Brothers written agenda to plow through what remains to the government and reshape it for the inhuman corporate person. This means that not only must the people mobilize against challenges by the Trump initiatives, but against the outright attack by the Republican congress.

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