15 January 2025

Higher Education Must Champion Democracy, Not Surrender to Fascism

[Photo: Empty classroom in Harper Valley HS, West Virginia. (M R, flickr, 5/17/2014)]

By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: Truthout

Editor's Note
If you destroy faith in education and assign it only to “elites” then it becomes an object of scorn or worse, must be destroyed. The destruction of public education has been an action plan of the Republicans for decades as they have moved further and further to the right. From desegregation and white flight to magnet schools to starving schools of funding to the latest attacks to ban books and gag teachers, the plan to eliminate public education has been relentless … and effective. Problematically, it also moves us closer to being a nation where the wealthy rule over a population stripped of the intellectual tools and skills to push back.

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11 July 2022

Must collapse be inevitable? Imagining a “half-Earth” sustainable economy

Rya Forest rewilding

[Photo: Rya Forest (highlighted in bright green) in Gothenberg, Sweden. (Björn Billing, “Rya Forest Nature Reserve: A Case of Preservation, Conflicts, and Unwanted Rewilding.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia (Spring 2020), no. 6. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. ]

Pete Dolack
Source: Systemic Disorder

Editor's Note
More than a decade ago I read a report addressing global warming and the CO2 cuts recommended would have required us stopping all industrial activity. I knew then that we were in major trouble and the discussions I was hearing would not even come close to what was needed. Since that time, each IPCC report has been worse as we learn more about reinforcing loops and the mechanisms of climate.
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20 February 2021

Activism to Combat Depression – Especially Politically Induced Depression


By Rowan Wolf

After endless political campaigning and 5 years of non-stop battering by Trump, the first-ever coup attempt by an American president, and a failure to convict Trump of incitement even though most republicans agree he is guilty, many folks are worn out and even depressed. There is a big draw to getting a good book and turning our backs on politics altogether. However, that is not what the “new” Republican Party is doing. They are proposing numerous bills to make it harder for black and brown, young and old (any group likely to vote democrat), to vote. In fact, they have put forward at least 165 pieces of legislation to suppress the vote. So how should we address the realities that are dragging us into the piot of despair? Get BUSY!

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31 July 2020

The Ugly Terror of a Fascist Abyss Lurks in the Background of This Pandemic

Light the Fire Women's March

[Photo: 2018 #MeToo Women’s March in Philadelphia. (Rob Kall)]

By: Henry A. Giroux
Source: Truthout

Editor's Note
Pedagogy is an interesting word. It generally means the art and theory of teaching and learning. It is akin to ideology as it may be a number of things. It is not a theory or practice, but the underlying theory and practice being used. So there may be a shared, or dominant, pedagogy as reflected in traditional American education of generally passive learning where the content expert imparts knowledge to students. It may also be the specific theory of the individual professional. However, we can take both education and pedagogy outside the box, so to speak, and break down the walls of academe thereby transforming the purpose of education.

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27 January 2020

Beating Trump: Absolutely Essential, Also Not Enough

immigrant children in detwention

[Photo: Immigrant children in detention in Arizona. (Arizona Central)]

By Max Elbaum
Source:  Organizing Upgrade

Editor's Note
First, I want to encourage folks to keep an eye on the site Organizing Upgrade. This is a site for leftist activists and organizers, and they have some good work, including their new initiative 2020: This Is Not a Drill. The following article is the first installment.

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