Washing Away Their Sins

[Photo: Screen capture from “Life After Trump” segment of All In (4/10/2019).]
By Rowan Wolf
For a long time we have watched serious breaches of trust and law out of Washington, DC. It seems that few have had to pay for their crimes, and even those who do end up doing well, even being brought back into government – like Elliott Abrams. Nixon got a pardon, GW got the “good buddy” let bygones be bygones, and John Yoo (legal legitimator of Bush’s torture policy)?:
Professor Yoo is the Emanuel Heller Professor of Law and director of the Korea Law Center, the California Constitution Center, and the Law School’s Program in Public Law and Policy.~ Berkley Law
Seriously? DIRECTOR of Public Law and Policy??!!!
So here we are with the lawless, normless, administration of Donald J. Trump. While he has apparently run his life, and now the presidency, as a criminal enterprise based on the Mafia, he has not even the code of the Mafia to serve as a rudder. One person after another in his administration has either utilized their position for their own benefit, or participated in questionable if not outright illegal behavior. Yet, persona after person will (and are) doing well – thank you very much.
This question is definitely on the table with the fired Director of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen. She did not create the “zero tolerance” policy and the resulting family separation. However, she did implement it and repeatedly lie to Congress to promote it and keep it going. She did remove the bounds of control on Border and ICE agents, and agree to revoke the criminal checks on employees working at public and private detention centers, and everything to facilitate this egregious violation of human rights and international law. She will in all likelihood be dipped in the conservative bronzing mix and end up as a pundit or in some high power position somewhere. In other words, she will be well paid for selling her soul.
This discussion is the focus of the section of the April 10, 2019 All In with Chris Hayes segment called “Life After Trump”. Below is an edited extract from the full program as MSNBC did not provide the segment separately. (It always interests me what they choose to provide and not out of programs). I have also edited the 2:30 commercial break in the middle of the segment out. This clip may have to be pulled, so what it while you can. You may also watch the clip yourself in the full episode. It is about 34 minutes in. Of course, every time you try to advance the episode playback you geet at least 1 minute of advertisements and punishment for your hubris.
All In with Chris Hayes 4/10/2019 “Life After Trump”:
I am a sociologist, writer and activist with life long engagement in social justice, peace, environmental, and animal rights movements. My research and writing includes issues of imperialism, oppression, global capitalism, peak resources, global warming, and environmental degradation. I taught sociology for twenty-two years, was a member of the City of Portland’s Peak Oil Task Force, and maintain my own site Uncommon Thought Journal. I may be reached by email at [email protected]. On a personal note, I am also a survivor of pulmonary hypertension by the gift of a donor’s lungs in 2011. I do my best to honor that gift by trying to be my best self and give to the world what small gifts I have. Among of those is a deep passion for life, and the lives of all those with whom I share the planet.